Emmett Cullen & Jasper Whitlock smut

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This is a request from one of my Spanish readers!!!

Overview: reader is Emmett and jaspers mate, Edward is readers best friend, Emmett and jasper get jealous because they see reader cuddling Edward, and smut my guys.

Also happy fuckin pride month my babies!!!! Shine bright my children 💜💜💜💜💪🔥!!! (I was writing this during pride month but it took longer than expected 😅😅)

Y/n pov

"Uh fuck ahhh Emmett please baby." I moan out as one of my mates Emmett eats me out like a starved man.

"What my love. Tell me what you want and you got it baby." Emmett says pulling away and kissing my thigh. "I want you in me please." I say.

He smirks and starts kissing up my body. He's about to put his dick in when the door slams open.

"My apologies my love I don't mean to ruin this moment but Emmett and I need to go somewhere." Jasper my other mate says coming over to the bed and kissing me deeply before pulling away.

"Right now? I'm kinda busy." Emmett says whinnying. "Yes now! Remember?!" Jasper says looking at Emmett who soon realizes what he means and jumps off me but not before placing a kiss on my clit.

"Sorry babydoll. Well finish this later." He says standing next to jasper. "It's okay I've gotta meet with Edward soon anyways." I say getting dressed. The boys groan In annoyance at the mention of Edward.

"To go over his engagement to Kaiden." I say in a scolding tone while giving them the side it as I pick up my bra that Emmett ripped.

"I just don't get it why does he need you? All he has to do is say 'hey Kaiden I love you and you love me let's get married.' it's that simple." Emmett says and I throw a pillow at him. "No it's not, he wants everything to be perfect. So I'm helping him set it up." I say as I walk over and kiss them both goodbye before they leave.

Time skip

"Lights? check. Blankets? Check. Food? Check. Drinks? Check. Condoms?" I say going off a list of things Edward wanted but I might have added the last one as a joke.

"Oh my god! I forgot the condoms!!! Oh God what am I gonna do?! I knew I would fuck this up! How could I forget the cond...... seriously y/n?! You scared me!" Edward says as I start laughing and he smiles.

"Stop stressing so much Edward, Kai loves you of course he'll say yes to you." I say hugging him. He hugs me back and throws himself backwards making us both fall into the couch in a cuddling position.

"I just want everything to go perfect. Kaiden is the love of my life and he deserves the world. I couldn't imagine him not being by my side for eternity. He is life." Edward says smiling at the thought.

"He loves you to Edward. More than you'll ever know." I say smiling at him.

"Well I better get going. Bye Y/n. Bye jealous babies." Edward says getting up and leaving. I look up and see jasper and Emmett standing there glaring at Edward as he leaves.

"You know I get it when some people get jealous or suspicious of their girlfriends gay best friends but the fact that you two know damn well that he has a mate and his mate is his life and still don't trust him is just odd." I say laying back.

"Just because he has a mate doesn't mean he doesn't get urges to try something." Emmett says and Jasper backs up a bit not wanting to be near or involved in what Emmett has said after he feels the anger radiating off of me.

I shoot up right glaring at Emmett. "Oh? So what you are saying is you don't believe that the bond between mates is strong enough to only ever want that person? So do tell me Emmett do you ever get these "urges" huh?" I say as Emmett gulps and starts shaking his hands around.

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