Smut Sam uley

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Person who requested didn't really have any plot besides fluff with little smut so imma do what I want. So reader and Sam are already married. Y/n was asked to babysit her one year old niece for a day and it gets Sam thinking.

N/n = niece name

Sam x FEM reader smut

Soft short smut

Y/n pov

"Sam you can't leave knifes out!" I say as I put the knife up. "why not? I know the pack is immature but they all know knife safety" he jokes coming down the stairs. "It's not them I'm worried about. We're watching N/n remember?" I say turning around as he kisses me. "I almost forgot. Sorry baby. I'll be more careful." He says kissing my neck. Theres a knock on the front door. "Damn it's not even our kid and she's already cock blocking us" he sighs cause me to laugh and hit his chest.

I go open the door and my one year old niece yells excitedly and runs into my arms with her stubby little legs it's more like waddles quickly.  I pick her up laughing with her as she hugs me. Sam comes up to the door and helps carry her stuff for the night before my sister/brother leaves (idk babes you choose)

"Puppy!!!" N/n yells as she sees Sam. Sam sighs looking at her. "No. Not puppy" he says smiling. "Puppy!" She giggles holding her little hands towards him. He chuckles picking her up. "She loves her uncle puppy" I tease causing him to playfully glares at me. "Oh stop it. This is your fault" he chuckles. "Hey now. It's not my fault she saw you turn into a puppy" I say putting my arms up in mock defense.

"You brought here outside while I was training the boys" sam laughs. "Oh I'm soooo sorry I wanted to come see my husband" I say sarcasticly as a joke. "I am going to make some breakfast. You're on baby duty." I say pointing at Sam. "Alright. Sounds fair." Sam says grabbing n/n and running around with her. "I'm going to take her outside so you can cook in peace" Sam says putting his hand on my arm laying down and kissing lips softly before pulling away and walking towards the backdoor. "Have fun. Please be careful Sam. Remember she's not a wolf she's more fragile." I say and he nods. N/n giggles waving like a maniac.

I decide on making some French toast sticks, sausage, eggs, and some fruit. As I'm cooking I look up out the window and see Sam with a flower crown on his head as he makes a small one for n/n. I smile to myself seeing him. He'd be such a great girl dad.

Once I'm done cooking I walk to the backdoor before I call them in I stop in the door way and watch as Sam and n/n have a princess tea party. I laugh lightly as Sam still in his flower crown puts a tiny tea cup up to his lips with his pinky out pretending to drink it.

"That's attractive" I say teasingly as he jumps and drops the cup. "O.. oh hey babe. Yeah. Uh she wanted to play tea party so. I figured why not" he stuffers embarrassed. "Oh and I'm assuming it was a princess one?" I ask smirking as I point to his crown. He gasps and yanks it off. "Yeah" he chuckles nervously. "You look cute." I say as he looks at me confused. "really?" He asks. "Sam. I'm not going to think you're less of a man because you played tea party with our niece. Honestly it makes you more of a man in my eyes. You forced yourself out of your comfort zone just to make her happy. That's a real man." I say giving him a kiss.

"Breakfast is ready." I say as n/n runs into my arms. We all go inside. I set n/n in her highchair. "Ok whatcha want kiddo?" I ask as she looks over the food. "Eggy's!" She gasps out reaching desperately for some. I giggle as Sam chuckles and put some on her plate. I put one sausage on her plate and she looks at it disgustingly. "Uh no" she says in her cute baby voice pushing it away. "It's good n/n I promise. Look the puppy likes them." I say as Sam glares up at me before sighing and eating one. Making exaggerated yummy noises.

N/n looks at her plate then takes a bite of the sausage coping the noises Sam made. I laugh putting some berries and French toast on her plate.

Big time skip to after dinner

"I'll do the dishes you just focus on getting n/n ready for bed." Sam says. "thank you." I say walking to the bathroom with n/n so I can give her a quick bath before bed. After her bath I get her dressed in a cute dinosaur onesie.

I lay down on the guest room bed with her. (It's safe for her to sleep alone on I swear 😅) I pull out her favorite fairytale book and start reading it to her. As I read to her she has trouble keeping her head up. She slowly falls asleep. I sit playing with her hair while smiling softly down at her. I sigh getting off the bed and kissing her forehead.

I turn to leave and see Sam standing at the entrance of the room. He glances at n/n softly before holding his hand out for me. He leads me to our room and we start getting ready for bed. "You're really good with her" Sam says as I put lotion on my legs. "So are you" I say. As I put lotion on my arms I sigh. "something wrong my love?" He asks. "have you ever wanted kids? We've been married for three years and never talked about it." I say turning to look at him.

"I never wanted kids. Never even though about it. I never wanted to be married either. But when I met you I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Wanted to call you my wife. And evertime I see you with a kid. The way you interact with them and care for them. Makes me think about what a great mom you would be. And how lucky I'd be to be the father of your child. I want to start a family with you y/n." Sam says laying me down and he climbs on top of me.

"I want that too Sam." I say as he smiles and kisses me passionately. "Lock the door" I say pulling away. As Sam locks the door I undress myself. Sam stopping to do the same.

"You ready?" Sam asks as he positions himself at my entrance. I nod and he pushes in. His thrusts are gentle and sweet. Filled with love and care.

"I love you" he whispers breathlessly as he thrusts. "ah I love you too" I moan quietly so we don't wake n/n up.

"God I can't wait to see you pregnant with my baby. Our baby." Sam says as we both get close to release. "Cum for me." Sam groans and we both cum.

Sam hugs me as he stays barried deep inside me to keep the cum in. We both fall asleep.

Three weeks later

"What's it say?" Sam asks from the other side of the bathroom door. I open the door tears streaming down my face and smiling. Sam's eyes light up. "Are we?" He says. "yes. Yes we're having a baby" I say and he hugs me laughing in happiness.

"Oh my god. I can't wait. This little baby is going to be so loved" he says hugging me as the pack cheers from the hallway.

I hope you liked it once again I'm sorry for the wait. I love you dirty hoes 💜💜💜💜

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