Charlie Swan smut

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Fem boy male nurse reader

Reader is kind of a tease and a flirt in this one

Blowjob and fingering so not full sex sorry yall

Reader pov

"Hi sweetie I'm nurse y/n I'll be taking care of you today. I heard we aren't havin the best day? Why don't you tell me what's been going on?" I ask a teen girl who came into the hospital a little while ago.

"I was almost hit by a car but I was saved in time by a classmate who had super speed. I think he's a vampire." She blurts out staring wide eyed.

"Yeah ok uhm. Did we happen to get any head injuries? Maybe a little bonk?" I say flipping my notepad closed and crossing one leg over the other while pressing my lips together tightly. "I wasn't hallucinating it. I swear." She says defensively.

"Ok ok well did anyone else see this super fast vampire?" I ask. "No just me." She says. "Oh. That makes...... since?? It's just a little odd that in a student filled parking lot where many students stopped to see the commotion of a potential accident that no one else would see this little speed demon. You know?" I say smiling sympatheticly.

"I...but I else?" She says questioning herself. "Look sweety you were scared and panicked and in this state of panic sometimes our brains imagine things to try and deflect us from our current issue. One time I tripped down the stairs and imagined johnny Depp catching me and whisking me away to live happily ever after. But then I woke up on the bottom of the stair case 3 hours later with a headache and a disappointing reality." I say matter of factually.

"Maybe I did imagine it. I mean I had been obsessed with him all day cause of his weird behavior maybe my brain was just trying to justify my thoughts." She whispers to herself as I lean back smirking slightly.

"Knock knock. How we doin in here?" A voice calls out as they enter the room. "Ah doctor Cullen. I was just explaining to Ms Swan here that hallucinations are common in stressful situations like the one she went through." I say motioning him in.

"Aw yes unfortunately they are very common. Is everything else alright Ms Swan? No injuries anywhere? No concerns we should know about?" He asks sitting in front of her.

"Did he say Cullen? Doctor Cullen? As in?!" She says starting to panic. I puch Carlisle away and hold her hands. "Now sweety calm down. There is nothing to worry about. Doctor Cullen is the adopted father of the Cullen/Hale batch at your school but I assure you he's harmless." I say soothing her.

"You're right I'm sorry for overreacting. I don't know what came over me." She says as Carlisle smiles at her.

"Excuse me? Is this Bella swans room?" A very handsome voice asks through the door while lightly knocking.

I get up and open the door revealing a extremely hot older male. "Well hello." I say smirking as I see his eyes widen and traval my body. I'm so glad Carlisle let me dress up today in my nursing skirt and white cropped sweater with red outlines on the wrists, waist and neck.

"Dad?" Bella asks breaking him from his thoughts as he stared at me. "Oh Bella! Are you alright? I came as fast as I could." He said racing towards her.

"I'm fine. I don't even think I really need to be here if I'm honest. I wasn't hit or anything." She says smiling. "Mrs swan it's a pleasure to meet you I've heard a lot about the greatest sheriff around. And when I learned his daughter was here I just had to come make sure everything was alright." Carlisle says holding his hand out.

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