Emmett Cullen smut

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Kinks: daddy/babygirl, bdsm.

Y/n pov

"Hey fuck face watch where you are going! You hit my friend you mamas boy, cocksucking, asswipe of a human being!!!!" Rosalie screamed at the guy who just shoulder checked the fuck out of my arm.

"It's ok rose it doesn't hurt that bad." I say pulling her away from the situation. "The prick didn't even apologize!" She says throwing her arms up. "Eh men are stupid. You learn to live with it." (I have six brothers I have a right to say that!) I say glaring at the ground. (What the ground do to you? 😑)

"So are you gonna talk about it?" Rosalie asked glancing over at me. "Talk about what?" I ask looking at her confused.

"Why aren't you talking to Emmett?" She says in a duh voice (it's a Nintendo duh, if you get it I love you 😭)

"I don't know what you mean." I say lieing through my teeth. She sighs and steps Infront of me grabbing my shoulders to stop me from walking.

"Look n/n I'm not dumb. Anytime he walks into the same room as you, you suddenly have to go somewhere or do something. Or whenever he tries to talk to you, you completely ignore him as if he's not even there. At first we all just decided to leave it alone and let it work itself out but, this is getting really awkward." Rosalie says as I stare at the ground.

"Talk to me n/n. What happened? You know I'm always here for you. And I don't care if Emmett is technically my adopted brother I'll still fight him for you." She says lifting my face by my chin.

"We got into a fight on Saturday. And I need some time away from him. It's nothing really." I say trying to walk past her but she grabbs my arm and I sigh. "Y/n it's Friday...that's almost a whole week. You two can't even go and hour without saying you love eachother. So tell me what happened." She says pulling me over to a bench to sit down.

"Well on Sunday I was feeling down cause of something that happened that day. And all I wanted to do was cuddle and sleep with Emmett but noooooo apparently I can't have that. He said he was to busy. TO BUSY! For me his loving girlfriend!? I got upset and asked him for just ten minutes of attention. He got mad and said I was being a clingy bitch. And I got mad and said he was being and asshole and all I wanted to do was cuddle. He said Im always demanding attention like some bitch in heat so I told him to go fuck himself and that I didn't need him ever second of every day." I finish and Rosalie stares at me with shock.

"So you're ignoring him to show him you don't need him?" She asks. "No I'm ignoring him to show him he needs me just as much as I need him. I mean seriously it's not some coincidence I happened to wear his favorite short skirt or his favorite shirt. It's not an accident when I brush my ass against his crotch as I walk passed him out of a room. It's all part of the plan to make him crack." I say smiling innocently at her.

"Damn y/n. You dirty conniving bitch........I love that!!!!! That's why he's been an absolute wreck recently! You are a fucking genius!" She says slamming her hands into the bench and pushing herself up.

"Yeah well I hope he snaps soon cause I'm losing my freaking mind over here." I say sighing.

Time skip

"I know this is kinda the point and all but are you sure you wanna stay here? Emmett is going to be pissed." Rosalie says dropping me off at my parents house. My parents are out of town but I usually stay with Emmett.

"Oh yeah I'm hoping this'll be the final push." I say as she laughs and drives away.

I go upstairs to my room and into my bathroom. I turn on the shower and start washing myself.

All of a sudden I'm pushed up against the glass shower door. I gasp as I feel the cold glass against my naked front while something hard pressing against my back.

"Did you really think you could ignore me and get away with it? Hm? Did you think I wasn't going to blister this pretty little ass huh?" Emmett whispers in my ear while squeezing my ass.

I moan lightly as he starts kissing my neck. "Emmett baby my parents." I say trying to save myself. But all I managed to do was earn a hard slap to my ass. Jump slightly and moan out at the feeling.

"Bullshit babygirl I know they are gone. Which means we are all alone. So you can scream as loud as you want. Lord knows I'm gonna fucking make you." He turns me around and pushes me back against the wall this time facing him.

He slams his lips on to mine moaning into my mouth. "Fuck babygirl I've missed this. You're a bad girl for ignoring daddy." Emmett says turning the water for the shower off and bending me over the bathroom sink.

"How many baby?" He asks. "Zero" I say trying to egg him on more. (I was going to make an egg pun but then I couldn't think of a good one 🥲)

"Don't fucking start y/n. You know damn well I'll beat this ass till it's black and blue." He says landing a hard hit to my ass as a warning. "How many?" He asks again.

"Ten." I say. "Ten what princess?" He asks rubbing my ass. "Ten, please daddy" I say back. "Good girl baby." He says before he unexpectedly hits my ass hard. I jump and moan in surprise and the pleasureable pain.

"Count" he whispers.
"Ahh TEN DADDY fuck!!" I yell out in pleasure.

"Good girl baby. You did suck a good job for me." He says rubbing my sore ass. "Thank you daddy." I say look back at him. "Mm daddy should reward his good girl huh?" He asks turning me around and kissing my jaw and neck. "Please daddy?" I say desperately.

"What do you want me to do baby?" He asks me and he lifts me onto the sink. "Please fuck me daddy. Please ruin me." I say as his hand rubs tough circles on my clit.

"Of course baby." He says but I don't comprehend it.

Suddenly his hand is gone but I don't have time to complain before Emmett slams his hard dick into me.

I moan out really loud as he groans pretty loud. "Oh fuck baby. You feel so good wrapped around me like this." He says moving slowly.

"Faster daddy." I say holding onto his shoulders. "What do we say princess. "Please daddy. Please ruin my cunt daddy." I cry out.

He groans and starts pounding me hard and fast. "Ooh fuck yes daddy ahh!!" I cry out in pure pleasure.

"Fuck n/n you feel so good" he says picking up his pace even though you didn't think he could.

"Oh daddy please I'm so close please can I cum?" I ask begging. "Go ahead baby cum however much you want cause I won't stop anyways

"Almost there baby just a little more" he says running hand done to south. 

I scream out his name while he does the same to my name as we ride out our orgasms.

I start getting sleepy now. Emmett lifts me up and walks out of the bathroom into my bedroom.

He lays me down on my bed and I start to drift off as soon as I close my eyes I feel something rub against my pussy.
I open my eyes tiredly to see Emmett lining his dick up with my entrance again.  

"We aren't done yet baby you have to learn your lesson. I'm not stopping until you're begging me to stop." He says pushing himself in me. I moan quietly at the feeling of his cock in my sensitive pussy.

"You ready babygirl?" He asks while rubbing my cheek with his hand softly.

"Yes daddy." I say and close my eyes just enjoying the feeling of him.

The end! I hope that the person who requested this liked it!!!

Also I'm sorry for not posting in a long while. In December I lost a very important person to me and I haven't been in the mood to write. Since I'm feeling a little better and because I'm behind on requests I decided to try and do a spam post this weekend.

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