Edward Cullen smut

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Kinks: soft dom female reader, mommy, bf/gf, jealous sex.

Y/N Pov

"God damnit Edward!!!" I yell walking up to my sparkly boyfriend.

"Well hello gorgeous. How may I be of service to you?" He says acting cute and innocent.

"Well for starters you can stop telling Jacob that if he keeps talking to me that you'll kill his whole pack. What are you trying to do start a fucking war with them?!" I yell glaring at him as his smile drops.

"Fucking snitch." He mumbles quietly but not quite enough. "Edward!" I say in a warning tone.

"Fine if he's going to be such a baby about it I'll stop." He says crossing his arms. 'good enough' I say in my head and roll my eyes and he smiles knowing he got away with it.

"Edward!!" Someone tells from behind me. "Oh come on!" I groan out and Edward looks at me confused before getting tackled by the one the only bella swan.

"Oh my gosh I missed you so much where have you been???" She asks excitedly while finally letting him go.

Now you see Edward and I are only secretly dating. Only the wolf pack and the other vampires know but not the humans and definitely not bella who is constantly throwing herself on Edward right in front of my sandwich.

(Im sorry 😂)

"I went on a camping trip." He says lying quickly. "You should have invited me." She says hitting his arm playfully.

"Sorry it was just a Cullen and hale trip." Edward says laughing.

Im a hale me and jasper are actually related in fact jasper was the one who got me turned. He almost killed me in a blood rage but thankfully he stopped once he realized what he did.

Once he realized I was slowly dying in a puddle of my own blood he started to panic. He had met a vampire (Carlisle) earlier that day offering to help him control himself but he didn't want the help.

Eventually my blood started to attract other vampires who came to drain it from me in groups. Jasper stayed by my side fighting with everything he had to keep me safe. Eventually Carlisle found him and me and saved us.

Since then Rosalie because like an adopted sister to me so we decided to have her play as mine and jaspers real sister to the public. Jasper refuses to look at me sometimes the scars he left on my body reminding him of the monster he believes he is.

(Ooops got a little off track there)

"You ok y/n?" Bella says putting her hand on my shoulder. Snapped out of the past I realiz I spaced out and was subconsciously touching the big scar marked on my throat.

"Yeah I'm fine" I say quickly while they both look at me with pity. "I still can not believe you were attached by a bear I mean that must have been terrifying. How'd you live?!" Bella spits out really fast.

"Oh um I guess I'm just lucky." I say smiling at her.

"Hey Edward do you wanna hang out tonight?" Bella asks bouncing slightly.

Of course he'll say no I mean it's our anniversary of course he'll say n- (p.s this was not in her direct thoughts otherwise Edward would have been able to hear and it would have had 'these' on it)

"Yeah sure I'd love to!" Edward says happily.

My heart stops beating instantly well if it was beating to begin with then it would have but still.

"Great I'll see you later alligator." She says giving him a fist bump. "I'm a while crocodile!" He calls back as she leaves. 

He turns to me laughing slightly at their goodbyes. "Im not feeling well I'm going to go see Carlisle." I say quickly turning away from him so he can't see my tears filling my eyes. Sure you could think I'm being dramatic but it hurts to have someone blow you off especially for another girl on your anniversary.

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