Carlisle Cullen-Jealous

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(a/n: you work with Charlie Swan, y'all are partners at the sheriff thing.)

Y/n pov

"Bye baby. Oh and I'll be at the hospital late tonight. So remember to sleep and go to bed early love." Carlisle says as Finnish putting his doctor coat on then kissing my head.

"Oh it's ok I'm probably going to be back late to." I say tying one of my shoes.
"Why? I thought you got off early tonight." Carlisle says with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"I did but it's been crazy recently so I want to help. Besides I can't let Charlie do all the work on his own tonight." I say standing up and grabbing my bag.

"The poor man might work himself to death and I can't let that happen." I say laughing lightly.

"Why no-I mean but I don't want you to work to hard." My eyes widen as he says the first part but I decide to leave it alone.
"I'll be fine, don't worry. I like working." I say hugging him. He wraps his arms around my waist while mine are around his neck as I lean my head against his chest.

"But it might tire you out, and that's my job baby." Carlisle whispers huskily while grabbing my chin and making me face him. He was bent down a little so our faces were really close.

After I have a mini panic attack because of how hot this man is I realize I'm going to be late. "I....I HAVE TO GO LOVE YOU DO MUCH BYYYYYE." I yell as I run out of the house.

Carlisle pov

I flinch a bit as she yells while running out of the house. 'damn she knows we can hear her whisper from outside and yet she decides to yell?! Am I actually mad? No. Am I just looking for any accuse to punish her and show her who she belongs to? Hell yes.'

"Ew keep your thoughts to yourself Carlisle." I hear Edward say as he walks by laughing.


" HEY EVERYONE WE HAVE TO FIND SOMEWHERE TO STAY FOR THE NIGHT!" Edward yells. "WHY?!" The others yell back. "BECAUSE CARLISLE IS GETTING LAID. AND I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU BUT I DON'T WANT YO HEAR THAT." He finishes as i hit him on the back of the head and he laughs. And the others whistle and laugh as the leave the house for the night.

Time skip after work

Y/n pov

Thanks for staying late (y/n), it means a lot I would have been there all night if you didn't." Charlie says as he pulls up to the Cullens house. "No problem Charlie I'm always here to help. Thanks for the ride. Tell belle I said hi." I say as he waves and drives away.

I sigh and turn to get inside but when I turn Carlisle is standing right in front of me. "Oh my word. Carlisle you scared me." I say laughing but he doesn't even smile at me. I look at him confused and notice that he isn't wearing a shirt. 'oof Edward if you can hear what I'm thinking right now I am sorry'

I walk inside after confirming Carlisle wasn't going to say anything. I take all my clothes of and shower.

When I get out I walk into my and Carlisles room with a towel wrapped around me and start getting dressed. As I'm dressing I feel a stare burning into my body, I turn around to see Carlisle watching me from the door.

"Ok Carlisle what is up with you?" I say as I finish putting clothes on and flopping on my bed. "Nothing love I'm sorry you are just really stunning." Carlisle says as he walks up to me and lays on top of me cuddling as I fall asleep.

Carlisle pov

Well there goes my plans. Ugh first Charlie drops her off which throws me out of the mood, but then I get back in the mood after seeing (y/n's) body but she is exhausted and I don't want to make her stay up. "Sigh" 'You are damn lucky you're cute while you sleep (y/n) otherwise I'd have you begging for me right now'

Another time skip

Y/n pov

When I woke up Carlisle was already at work, I didn't work today and the rest of the Cullens were at school. So when Charlie asked me to grab a cup of coffee of course I said yes.

"So how's the whole Carlisle thing going?" Charlie asks gosh this man loves gossip. "It's going great, he has been acting funny recently though." I say as Charlie sips his coffee. "Oh weird." Charlie says.
Charlie and have known each other sense I was 16 he is like an older brother to me.

As we're sitting and talking my phone rings.
"Hello?" I ask
"Where are you my love?" Carlisle asks from the other side of the phone.
"Oh I'm with Charlie-" before I can finish.
"Why? you don't work today." Carlisle cuts me off.
"Yeah but I was bored and he asked if I wanted to go with him" I say confused.
"What he asked you out?!" Carlisle says angerly.
"No Carlisle he didn't. What is up with you recently? You know what I don't even want to know right now. We will talk when i get home bye." I say as I hang up.

"Ugh I don't know what his issue is." I say as I look up to see Charlie smiling like an idiot. "He's jealous (y/n)." Charlie says smiling even bigger then before. "No he is not, Carlisle isn't a jealous person." I say while mixing my drink around the cup.

"(Y/n) I know he is, people don't like others getting close to someone they care about it scares them that you might leave. And think about it his entire attitude changes whenever I'm mentioned." Charlie says smiling like a kid.

Time skip to the Cullens home

"Carlisle I am going to ask you something and I need you to answer the one hundred percent truth, ok?" I ask as I walk into our room where he laying down. "Of course my love." He says sitting up on his elbows. "Are you jealous of Charlie?" I ask and he doesn't even waste a second before responding "yes" in a bored voice.

"Why love?" I ask as I walk up to him. "Because you are with him a lot and sometimes it scares me what if you want him instead." Carlisle says looking down.

I crawl on him so I'm sitting on his lap while he is still laying down but holding my waist. "Carlisle I am living with you, not Charlie. I am sleeping with you, not Charlie. I am marrying you, not Charlie. I am in love with you, not Charlie. I choose you, not Charlie. I love you so much Carlisle and yo never need to be worried about me leaving you. Cause you are stuck with me for life bud." I say as I hold up my ring finger that has the ring he proposed with on our 5th anniversary.

"Well I mean we still have a month till the wedding sooo I'm not stuck just yet." He says smiling as I hit him and we both started laughing.

He grabs my face and kisses me. "I love you to (y/n)." He says before kissing me again.

Next morning at work

"Hah told you he was jealous." Charlie says as I try to cover the marks Carlisle left on my neck, collar bone and cleavage. "Ugh I can't cover them" I say as I throw the concealer down. "Well that's because those are dark as fuck. He was clearly marking his property." Charlie says and I remember what Carlisle told me while giving me the marks.

Slight flash back

"I'm going to make sure you aren't able to hide these. Then everyone will know who you belong to."

End of small flashback

I smile as I look in the mirror and run my fingers over the marks. Charlie notices and hands me a wet paper towel. I take it and wash the counselor off. Charlie smirks and we walk out my marks on full display.

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