Jasper whitlock

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"Y/n, y/n come on." I hear the voice of my bestfriend Jane call from the otherside of my door.

"I am not going with aro to kill a child and her family." I state from my bed.

"Oh come on y/n/n(your nickname)  it some brother and sister bonding." Says an all to happy aro. 'Ugh why did I have to be related to him?'

"Leave me alone!" I say loudly still pissed aro wont listen to me about this whole renesmee thing. "I heard the Wolfpack are gonna be there, if things turn south I sure hope that little friend of yours will be ok." Aro says then starts walking away.

"SETH?!" I yell after I realize who he is talking about. I get up and run out my door just to see they have already left. "Basturd he ran like a little bitch." I mumble to myself as I put on some shoes.

I'm walking to were they are supposed to be. Yeah, yeah I know in this situation any other person would be sprinting with my vampire speed. But I know my brother and he likes to talk and talk for ever, like he never shuts up. So I know I have time.

I finally get there (after aro decides not to kill them) and I see them standing a distance away. But I also see seth hurt on the ground panting. He isnt hurt that bad just abit scratched up and tired. But I just want a reason to yell at aro.

"ARO DID YOU HURT SETH YOU BASTURD?!" I yell as I run to infront of him with my back facing the Cullens.

"AH, oh um h..hi y/n f...fancy seeing you here." Aro says while nervously laughing. "Aro." I growl out stepping closer to him as he steps back.

'Haha what a dork, he thinks I'm actually mad.' I think to myself as I hear one of the Cullens chuckle from behind me (cough cough Edward cough).

"No no y/n I'm fine. Really look only a little scratches here and there." Seth says panicked.

"Relax she's only joking." A voice says from behind me. "Whew thank the lords" aro says as his shoulders drop relaxing more.

"Might I ask who this is, I've never seen her aro." Carlisle says from behind me. I finally turn around to face the Cullens.

Once I turn around my eyes lock on to another pair of gold eyes. If I could breathe my breath would have been caught in my chest. After all these year I finally get to meet him, my mate.

"This is my sister Y/n." Aro says protectively wrapping his arm around me glaring at my mate. My mate let's out a low growl when aro puts his arm around me pulling me back.

"Jasper calm down now, it's his sister he has a right to be protective." Carlisle says trying to defuse the situation.

"Yeah jassy calm down dont be so jelly." The big cullen says. "Shut it Emmett" jasper says through clenched teeth then he turns around and starts walking away. "Woah that's totally not poggers." Emmett says shaking his head. "No more internet for you Emmett." I'm assuming his mate says. "What but Rosalie that's not fair." Emmett whines.

I stare at the direction jasper walk off in. "Aro let her go, she's an adult and she just met her mate. As her brother you need to be happy for her." Alec says putting his hand on aro's shoulder. (Yes I ship them and idc who hates it :P) aro let's go of me but before I could run off he pulls me into a hug. "Please don't leave me, please come back and visit." He whispers in my ear as he hugs me tightly like he'll never see me again.

"Aro you are my family I'll never stop loving you and I'll never stop visiting I promise." I say as I put my hand in his cheek. "I love you to little sis, now go get your mate." He says smiling down at me warmly.

I start running off, but look back to see aro holding onto alec as he watches me run.

I stop at this broken down cabin in the woods. 'His sent is here?' I ask myself. I walk into the cabin and look around. "Jasper? Jasper please come out!" I say looking in a small room.

I hear a floorboard creak behind me but before I can even see who it is I'm pushed up against the wall. 'His sent is so intoxicating.'

"Hello darlin." He whispers in in my ear from behind, his accent coming out strongly. "H...hi jassy." I say using the playful nickname Emmett said to anger him earlier.

"Dont. Call. Me. That." He says Intimidatingly. "Why not...jassy." I say looking over my shoulder at him. "Because there are so many other names I'd rather have you call me babygirl." He says pushing me against me more.

"Oh come on really gross jasper." Seth says from outside. "You think that's gross you're lucky you cant read his thoughts." Edward says as he pretends to throw up.

"Do you boys mind I'm kinda doing something." Jasper says rolling his eyes in annoyance. "Something or someone?" Emmett laughs from outside.

"You guys might wanna leave now before you hear something's you really don't want to." Jasper says looking me in in the eyes intensely.

"Yup ok bye" Edward
"Nope I'm gone" seth
"Have fun you to" jacob
"I'll see you in a week y/n" emmett
"Make it two weeks" jasper calls out as I gulp. All of the boys groan in fake disgust and leave.

"Now were where we darlin?"

A/N:imma let yall guess what happened next unless yall want me to do a part two as a smut for it, but yall gotta request it in comments or just dm me saying to do a part two. Anyways I love you my little hell babies I hope you enjoyed the oneshot. Buh bye

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