Paul Lahote-jealous

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"will you just stop it already Paul?!" I hear  Someone yell from the kitchen.

I walk down the stairs and peek into the kitchen to see Paul trying to climb over the table, sam and Jacob trying to pull him back, and a very scared looking seth on the other side of the table.

"Not until that little punk learns his lesson!" Paul says trying to get to Seth. "Paul you are being ridiculous!" Leah says but doesn't make an attempt to help her brother.

"Fine this is stupid anyways. I'll let the little jerk off the hook this one time." Paul says as his muscles relax 'what I'm aloud to look at his muscles he's my mate' after seeing Paul "calm down" Sam and Jacob let him go and sigh in relief and Seth let's out a breath that he's been holding in out of fear.

"Did..did you really think I was going to give up that easy?!" Paul yells and jumps across the table before Sam or Jacob could grab him. Paul grabs Seth by the collar of his shirt and pulls him up. "Now you listen hear punk if you ever and I mean ever even think of-" "What the hell do you think you are doing Paul?" I interrupt him. I can't stand to see Seth look so scared he's my little bean I must protect.

"Ah..ah (y/n) love how'd you sleep? Are you hungry?" Paul asks dropping Seth and putting on a clearly fake innocent smile.

"Paul?" I say calmly. "Y...yes my oh so gorgeous mate, the absolute love of my life?" He says nervously.
"Why were you fighting Seth?" I ask crossing my arms. "Well I wouldn't really call that fighting." He mumbles with a nervous laugh as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Why were you threatening Seth?" I ask a little annoyed that he isn't just telling me instead of making these distractions/excuses. "Well I wouldn't say I was threatening him I'd say I was more like informing him of what's to come if he-" "Paul!" I say losing my patience a little. 'though it is kinda cute'

"Okay fine I was threatening Seth because he was being a little shit so I had to warn him if he continues this behavior he might get hurt." Paul says calmly. "What did Seth do?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"Why don't you ask him?" Paul says glaring at Seth. "Seth what did you do hun?" I ask the boy softly. "I..I don't know." Seth says as Paul scoffs angerly. "Bullshit you know exactly what you did." Paul says crossing his arms angerly.

"I really don't know Paul. I was just eating when you came out and started trying to get me. Can you please tell me what I did so we can try to work it out?" Seth says looking at the ground. 'ahhh my precious bean.

"Oh I don't know what could you have possible done to piss me off? Hmmm let's think oh wait I know maybe YOU KEEP LOOKING AT MY MATE LIKE SHES SOME KIND OF FUCKING SNACK?!" Paul yells which causes mine and Seth's eyes to widen in shock/confusion. While Sam, Leah, and Jacob all sigh and roll their eyes.

"I...I don't look at (y/n) in anyway other then respect, I only see her as the older sister I never had." Seth says as Leah mumbles a well fuck you to then.

"Paul I would never do that to you, she's your mate she makes you happy why would any friend want to take that away. Besides you two are my favorite couple in the pack." Seth says laughing at the end.

"Yeah Paul no need to get all jealous about it." Jacob teases.

"Shut up I was not jealous!" Paul says as he Storms out of the kitchen and to our room.

"Paul?" I say as I gently knock on our door. "What (n/n) hm come to make fun of me for being jealous?" Paul says from the other side of the door.

"Come on Paul open the door I'm not going to tease you." I say and soon the door opens to reveal paul. I walk past him and sit on his bed and wait for something to happen.

"Paul baby you know it's ok to be jealous?" I ask as I sit on his lap while hugging his neck. "I know it's normal to get jealous it's just.....what if someone better then me comes along and I lose you forever?" Paul mumbles into my neck and I feel a couple tears land on my shoulder.

"Paul you are my mate the person I was meant to be with I'd be the stupidest human on this earth if I didn't want you." I say as I wipe his tears.

"I love you (y/n) (l/n) so much thank you for being mine." He whisperers before he pecks my lips lightly.

"I love you to." I say as we've haunted. Then we spend all day cuddling then Paul apologized to Seth.

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