Carlisle cullen part 2

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Flashback to 5 years ago

"How could you not tell me!!" My boyfriend of two years yells at me. I just stand there crying, trying to find my words. "Carlisle i... I didn't k..know." I say trying to calm my tears and breathing down.

"Do you really expect me to believe you?!" He yelled pacing back and forth angrily. I just stand there crying more. 'He doesn't believe me' I think to myself as tears stream down my face.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous this is!!! If someone found out we were together you could be killed, I could be killed my FAMILY could be killed! Didn't you think about that or, did you just not care!!" He yells digging his hands in his hair.

'I can't stand him yelling, if he would just listen to me.'

"Are you listening. What do I have to say to get you to understand to get what's happening in your head!!!" He yells pissed that I wasn't replying.

I feel the anger inside me boiling within me. "SHUT UP! Just shut up! I didn't know, I didn't fucking know! If you would let me explain before yelling at me, you would know I didn't know. I just found out I was adopted I've never met my real parents so how was I supposed to know?! It just happened I didn't even know that this was a possiblity!" I yell crying more with each sentence.

" really expect me to believe for all 17 years you've been alive you never accidentally activated your powers." He says taken aback at first from me yelling at him.

"It only happened because I was upset, I just found out my parents weren't really my birth parents. I was mad and sad it just happened." I said gritting my teeth while looking down.

"Dont lie to me." He says "I'm not lying." I say "yes you are!" He raises his voice at me again. "NO IM NOT!" I yell as thunder and lightning start raring outside, as everything in the room starts to float.

"I...i" he stutters out surprised by my out break.
"Get out, just leave I hate you, i h...hate" I say bawling my eyes out as I calaps on the floor.
The next day I booked a flight Paris to live with my real grandmother.

Flashback over.

We just looked at each other for awhile until he suddenly grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help but hug back I missed him so much.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry." He said as he rocked me back in forth with regret and sadness drowning his voice. "You didn't believe me." I said remembering the past. "I know I was so stupid. I'm sorry." He says grabbing my chin and looking into my eyes.

He slowly leaned in and kissed me I kissed back but pulled away fast. "But Carlisle the volturi, your family." I said pushing him away. "After you told me to leave I went to the volturi and told them to kill me if I couldn't be with you, they said it wasn't allowed and has never happened before a witch and a vampire as mates was never heard of. Aro allowed it he said we could be together. The next day I went over to tell you and you were gone. Charlie said he didn't know were you went just that you had left that morning." He said as a tear fell down his face. (BuT aUtHeR vAmPiReS cAnT cRy. Well now they do.)

"I'm sorry Carlisle I didn't want you or your family to get hurt so I left." I said whipping his tears. He hugged me again burying his face in my neck. "Did you mean you hate me?" He says letting out a tiny sob as he cries on my shoulder.

I grab his face and kiss him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it I was mad. I'm in love with you Carlisle Cullen." I say putting my forehead against his. "I love you y/n swan." He says smiling. "Actually its Y/n L/n now after my real parents that died. I say giggling. "Hmm I prefer Y/n Cullen. " he says looking into my eyes with a devilish smirk. "It has a nice ring to it actually." I joke as we kiss again.

A/n: I hope you liked it my little hell babies 😈😘

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