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Leah Pov

"I bet he phases by the end of the week" jared says as i rub my head in annoyance. "No way dude I doubt he'll phase at all it's already takin him so long." Quil says back causing an uproar of condition on if y/n will phase or not.

These idiots have been going back and forth like this for weeks, ever since y/n started acting different with sudden attitude changes. Sam says it's because he's in his phase stage and to just give him room to cool and do so when he's ready. But apparently this new topic because the center convention starter in the pack.

Them debating and betting on if or when he's going to phase. It's really giving me a headache.

"Come on dude even Seth phased before him! It's not happening if it hasn't already!" One of the boys laugh out bringing attention to Seth who tried to shrink away from the attention feeling guilty about the situation. I smile at him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"He's just a late bloomer is all" another idiot says causing more uproar. "Hey shut it!" Paul yells causing everyone you look at him and Sam. "He's a part of this pack rather he shifts or not! And right now he's in a bad state of mind. If he is phasing soon than it's most likely taking a harder toll on his body than we know since he is a late bloomer. And if he's not phasing he's probably hurting because of it, he probably feels horrible. And the last thing he needs is to here you dumb fucks betting off of his pain! So shut the fuck up and be more thoughtful and careful of the situation. Understand?!" Paul calls out as all the boys lower their heads mumbling apologies and agreements.

Sam just nods and I smirk at the now quiet room. The boys slowly exist the gym until it's just me and Seth.

"You ok?" I ask looking over at my brother who hasn't said anything for awhile just staring at the ground with a frown on his face. "Yeah I'm fine." He says giving a small fake smile before turning to the floor again.

"Seth. What's wrong?" I ask as he sighs and looks at me. "I feel horrible. Y/n has been waiting years to shift. You know when I was first actually brought into the pack he used to joke around saying it's nice to have someone else who hasn't phased. That he wasn't the only one anymore. And what do I do? I go and phase first! I feel like I betrayed him. I know I couldn't help it but still I feel like a bad friend" he says as tears well up in his eyes and I rub his back as he lets out a shaky breath.

"Seth." A soft but strong voice calls out from behind us and soon there are two large hands placed on Seth's shoulders. We both look up to a sympathetic y/n.

"It's not You're fault Seth. And you definitely aren't a bad friend. I'm so happy you shifted. You shouldn't blame yourself for me. It happens." He says walking around us to come in front. As he passes me his hand drags sensually across the bottom of my back causing tingles to fun up my spine.

Y/n coaches down in front of me and Seth putting his hand on his knee in a comforting way smiling up at him. "The fact alone that you were so upset just shows what a great friend you are Seth." He says causing Seth to smile through his tears and let out a small thank you.

Y/n smiles before standing up again and rolling his shoulders as I can help but stare at his biceps. "Well I'm gonna hit the showers. I'll see you two later." He says walking towards the locker room.

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