oneshots that are coming to you soon

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Hello people of Wattpad!

Some of y'all have made some requests (funny all of the requests I've gotten are smut😂) but anyways.

I realized I was behind on the requests and I am trying to catch up.

So here is a list of requests that I am currently or very soon working on.
Request number 1 people have been asking for this part 2 for so long and I feel bad that I have forgotten- Jacob black jealous part 2, surprise kinks/story line because I feel bad about not doing it yet.

Request number 2- Dom Emmett x sub fem reader, daddy/babygirl kink, bdsm.

Request number 3 Leah x FEM reader, idk what kinks and stuff yet because the person hasn't gotten back to me yet.

Is this all? Or am I missing any?

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