Alice Cullen? smut

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Fem reader x Alice
First time writing girl on girl smut so please tell me what you think.

Alice's pov

"And then I was like woah dude you seriously need to chill" Emmet says telling the same story for the third time.

"You ok babe?" Y/n my beautiful girlfriend asks. "Yeah I'm ok. I've been getting a lot of visions lately and it's starting to make my head hurt." I say and she grabs my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. "I'm sorry my love." She says kissing the back of my hand.

"It's ok baby." I say kissing her lips. But then I get another vision.

Alice's vision

"Ah Alice baby please." Y/n says as my fingers work in and out of her pussy at a fast rate.

"What babygirl you wanna cum. Huh? You wanna cum for me like the slut you are?" I say as I quicken my pace.

Vision over

"Alice are you ok?" Y/n asks seeing me lost in a vision. "I can't wait" I whisper. "What?" She asks looking at me with those innocent eyes of hers. Don't worry baby I'll fuck that innocence out soon.

"Oh my God one day. ONE DAY IS ALL I ASK WHY CANT I EVER JUST EAT MY LUNCH WITHOUT LISTENING TO THIS BULLSHIT?!" Edward yells as he leaves clearly he read my thoughts.

I smile and kiss y/n's forehead.

After school I race home to see y/n I had to stay to help with an assignment but she had to go home.

"Love?" I call out as I enter what seems to be an empty house. "I'm in here." I hear from the living room. I run in and see y/n sitting on the couch reading. "Where is everyone?" I ask looking around. "They left. Something about not wanting to be here when it happens. But I don't know what they ment." She says and I smile at her cuteness.

I walk over to her and pull the book away. She looks up at me and smiles while patting the spot next to her. I sit down and put my face in her neck. I feel her body tense as I start kissing her neck. "What are you doing love?" She asks breathlessly.

"It's been a really hard day baby will you help me relax a little?" I ask as I drag my hand down to her skirt and cup her pussy in my hand. She gasps and grabs my wrist but doesn't pull it away.

I look into her eyes and kiss her. She wraps her arms around my neck and bucks her hips up into my hand. I chuckle and push my hand against her panties even more. She moans out slightly and I stick my tongue in her mouth. She pulls away and looks me in the eyes.

"I know you're stressed from your day. Why don't you take it out on me?" She suggests as my eyes widen in shock. "Baby are you sure? Cause once I start I don't think I'll be able to control myself." I asks not sure if she knows what she is saying.

"I don't want you to hold back. I want you to fuck me Alice." She says playing with my hair. I grab her thighs and pick her up and run to our room.

"You asked for this baby." I say as I throw her on the bed. She giggles and pulls her shirt off as soon as it's off. I attack her covered breasts in kisses and bites. Marking the part that's exposed.

I grab her bra and rip it off. I sit up and look down at her beautiful chest. I groan and put her left nipple into my mouth and I play with the right in my hand. "Oh Alice" she moans out as I suck and bit her boobs.

"What baby?" I ask. "Please I want to pleasure you." She begs. "Ok baby." I say taking my pants and underwear off. I lay down and put my hands under my head. I watch her as she crawls down to my crotch area. She spreads my legs and runs a finger up my slit. "Fuck baby don't tease." I says as she teases my folds.

She looks up at me we hold eye contact till I feel her tongue on my clit. I throw my head back and moan. She giggles at my reaction causing vibrations to travel through my cunt. "Fuck baby yes just like that." I moan out as she starts thrusting her tongue around inside of me. "Ahh fuck keep going baby." I say praising her. She pushes two fingers in my wet cunt as I moan out from the pleasure and she starts sucking and licking my clit.

"I'm close baby." I say. She starts fucking me fast with her fingers and gently nipping my clit not enough to hurt but enough to make it pleasurable.

"Oh fuck!" I yell as I come all over her hand. She looks up at me and likes her hand. "Shit baby come here." I say grabbing her hips.

I make her sit on my stomach. "I want you to sit on my face while I eat this pretty pussy ok? Can you do that for me?" I ask and she nods frantically. "Good girl." I say as she positions herself. She hovers over my face trying to be careful.

I sigh annoyed and grab her hips. I yank them down onto my face. "Ahh" she moans as I start eating her cunt like I've been starved for weeks. She ruts her pussy against my face but instantly stops. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." She says trying to get up. But I pull her back down and move her hips back and forth myself. She moans loudly and throws her head back.

I push her back so her pussy is still in my face but she's laying with her back is against my front. I shove my finger in her and then another. Ste starts moaning louder as I finger her wet cunt like there's no tomorrow.

"Ah Alice baby please." Y/n says as my fingers work in and out of her pussy at a fast rate.

"What babygirl you wanna cum. Huh? You wanna cum for me like slut you are?" I say as I quicken my pace.

"Yes please. Fuck please I need to so bad ahhhh" she cries out in pure pleasure. "Cum for me babygirl cum all over my face let me taste your sweet cum baby." I says as I fuck her faster then before. She lets out a scream as she cums on my face. I like it all up not missing a drop.

"Fuck baby" I say as she lays next to me. "I love you Alice." She says kissing me than laying her head on my chest. "I love you to babygirl." I say kissing her head and wrapping my arm around her.

I hope you liked it I've never written lesbian smut so this was new.

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