Jacob Black-Jealous

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"Hey beautiful!" Jacob yells from his bike as I walk out of the school. "Aww your little boyfriend is waiting for you, how sweet." Mike gushes as Eric and Jessica laugh. "Better hurry before he passes out from lack of attention." Angela jokes.

I roll my eyes at them then yell a quick bye as I run to Jacob. "Hi, jake." I say as I kiss his cheek and he smiles down at me. "How was school (n/n)?" He asks while taking my school bag from me so he can carry it."

"It was good, how was your day?" I ask. "It was good but it's a lot better now that you're here." He says putting his hands on my hips and pulling me closer to him. "Jake that's so cheesy." I laugh lightly as he rubs the tip of his nose against mine.

Before he can say anything we hear laughter and turn to see what's going on. When I turn I see Mike and Eric pretending to make out?!

"Oh Jake I love you so much." Mike says in a weird voice. "No (y/n) it is I that loves you." Eric says in a over-dramatically deep voice. "Oh Jakey-poo kiss me" make says throwing his head back. "Oh I plan on it." Eric says doing some weird shit with his eyebrows. Then they slowly start to move closer pretending like they are going to kiss.

"Oh fuck off." I yell as I playfully roll my eyes at them. They laugh and the group runs over to us. (Eric, Mike, Jessica, and angela)

"What you didn't like our show?" Mike says as he fake pouts while Eric dramatically grabs at his chest and falls to his knees before Angela pulls him up by his ear.

"No, no I did not." I laugh while I hear Jacob sigh from behind me. "What about you Jakey-poo?" Mike asks with a small smirk.

"I thought it was funny how you guys could be so jealous of our love that you decided to reenact it." Jacob says jokingly while Jessica fake barfs and Eric laughs.

"Yeah been there done that pal. Am I right (n/n)?" Mike says as he holds his hand up for a high-five from me but Angela pulls his hand down.

"Oh that's right you and (y/n) dated before she meet Jacob right?" Jessica asks Mike and I feel Jake's entire body tense at the thought.

"Uhm yeah we did but it was a like a long time ago, and we work better as friends." Mike says smiling at me.

"Oh hey remember when we told (n/n) dad that she was spending the night at Angela's house but she really spent the whole night at your house because your parents weren't home?" Eric says.

"Oh yeah but his parents came home early and they found white stuff all over the couch and on (y/n)'s skirt?!" Angela says as her and Eric start laughing like crazy.

I turn to see Jake with his jaw clenched and his eyes burning with pure anger. I open my mouth to say something but he glares down at me so I decided it is probably better to stay quiet. "Get on the bike. Now." He whisperers aggressively in my ear then gets on himself.

By now my friends see what's going on and make the smart decision to leave.

After we got to my house Jake stormed up to my room without saying a word. I sighed and put my stuff down on the shelf then walk up to my room.

As soon as I walk in my door is closed behind me and i feel Jacob grab my hips roughly and pull me until my ass is against his crotch and his face is buried against my neck.

"Jake?" I say as I gasp from the sudden movement. "Who do you belong to baby?" He asks as he starts to suck on my neck. "Y...you Jacob. I belong to you." I gasp out from the pleasure. "Good girl. You know you belong to me, I know you belong to me but for some reason other people have trouble understanding that so I'm going to make it a little easier for them." He groans out as he turns me around and pushes me onto the bed.

"Jake." I gasp out as he kisses from right above my knee all the way up to my neck missing all the places I want him to touch the most. I whimper out in disappointment and he chuckles darkly.

"Don't worry babygirl I'll get to that. By the time I'm done with you no one will even think about touching you, with all my marks on your body everyone will know you're mine." He says as he leaves marks on my collar bone and neck. "J..Jacob baby listen me and Mike w..we never actually liked each other." I say trying to ease his mind. I mean don't get me wrong I want to do this with him but not when he just keeps thinking about someone else touching me.

"What?" he asks as he lifts his head up to look at me.

"He asked me out because this fuckboy kept bothering me and this girl wouldn't leave him alone so we pretended to date, we never told Eric and the others because they would try to fight the people that were bothering us. We only "dated" for two month then "decided" we'd be better as friends in front of everyone." I say as Jake looks down into my eyes trying to see any hint of me lying.

"Then what about you to sleeping together? That night his parents caught you?" He says eyeing me suspiciously. And I laugh. "This isn't funny (y/n)" he growls out as I calm down a bit.

"Jake baby w..we didn't do anything, he wanted a movie night cause he was scared to be alone. So I went over but while we were there we fell asleep on the couch. But Mike's dumb ass fell asleep with vanilla ice cream in his hands so it melted. But when we heard keys jingling at the door we woke up but he was so scared when he woke up he dropped the bucket onto my shirt and I jumped up because it was still cold and it got on the couch." I say trying not to laugh at the memory of mikes mom hitting him with her slipper while he was cleaning the mess and his dad laughing in the corner.

"O..oh" Jake says trying not to laugh while imagining Mike being afraid of being alone. "I'm sorry baby." Jake says as he lays down next to me. "It's ok love." I say leaning over him and kissing him.

The kiss got more passionate and lustful with each passing second till I pull away, Jake puts his hand on my cheek and rubs his thumb on my bottom lip as his eyes gaze down at them.

"You know me, you, and my friends might know I'm yours." I start and he looks at me questioningly waiting for me to finish. "But I'm not so sure everyone else does." I say as a smirk starts to form on his face getting my hints. "Oh yeah?" He asks sitting up and pulling me onto his lap. " Yeah I'm pretty sure Jordan was totally checking me out the other day but can you blame him I mean how is he supposed to know I'm taken if I don't have any marks." I say fake pouting while playing with the hem of his shirt.

"You are so right why don't I fix that for you? hm?" He asks lustfully. "Please do." I say. And with that he flips is over so I'm on my back and he's on top of me again.

Part 2?

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