Paul Lahote smut

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Kinks: romantic sex so not really sure that's a kink but oh well I'm excited to write it!!!

"Good morning baby." I say as I feel Paul wrap his arms around me from behind.

"Morning love." Paul says burying his head into my neck.

"Ewwww really guys?" My little brother Seth says walking into the kitchen. "We aren't even doing anything." Paul says throwing a piece of scrambled egg at him. "I'd prefer my food on a plate thank you very much." Seth sassy while sassily flicking the egg off his shoulder.

"Also why are you guys all lovey, lovey. Didn't you guys get enough of that last night?" Seth mumbles in disgust. I hand him a plate of breakfast with Paul still attached to me.

"Mmm no not really. I can never get enough of her she just tastes so damn good." Paul mumbles while biting my neck teasingly.

Seth fake gags and takes his plate to eat somewhere else. "Mmm you should go wake Leah up for breakfast." I say while finishing puting the rest of the food onto three more plates.

"Uh no thanks I'd like to have kids eventually." He says laughing.
"Smart choice but I'm already up anyways." Leah says sitting down at the table.

"Also I'm surprised you don't already have kids by the way your room sounded last night." Leah says laughing while I blush and Paul glares at her.

"You know Paul you're really weird. I mean you act like someone shit in your cereal every single day and we all have to walk on the edge with you other wise you go all anger issues on us. Yet with y/n you're all like "omg I love you! You make life so beautiful. Oh baby I don't know what id do without you!" Leah said with a horrible Paul voice.

"That's because all of you guys are annoying idiots, where as y/n is my precious, beautiful, love of my life." Paul says kissing my head.

"So you're a dick to us because we don't have sex with you that's kinda fucked up man?" Jacob says walking into the kitchen.

"Haha very funny. Now why the fuck are you even here?" Paul asks letting go of me. "I'm here to pick up Seth and Leah we are going to go swimming. Wanna come?" Jacob asks jingling his keys around.

"No." Paul says rolling his eyes. Jacob rolls his eyes as well and looks at me questioningly. "No thanks Jacob. I have to go grocery shopping today since y'all keep eating everything" I say waving them off.

"Seth!" Paul calls out quickly before they leave. "Yeah Paul?" Seth asks walking towards us. "Don't forget the extra towels just in case and remember don't try and show off if you feel like you can't swim out in a certain depth then don't. Ok no matter what the others say, safety is better than popularity." Paul says handing Jacob like 30 water bottles. "And remember to stay hydrated." He says patting Seth's back.

Jake looks at me with a mixture of shock and horror. I just shrug back at him. "He's been acting like this for weeks now. He even scolded me on the tank top I was wearing and demanded I change before leaving the house." Leah whispers to Jacob who gets even more confused.

"Oh yeah thanks Paul! Are we still going night fishing later?" Seth asks with hope in his eyes at Paul. "Of course we are! I have it set as an alarm for 3am tonight." Paul says with a smile making Seth bounce in joy.

"Have fun be safe!!!" Paul yelled as they drive away.

Time skip

"You didn't have to go baby. You could have stayed home And relaxed." I say to Paul as I grab the shopping cart and walk into the store.

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