translated version

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Hey everyone I wanted to go ahead and tell y'all that my story has not been stolen.

TraduccionesMapache asked for permission to translate my story for people who don't speak English. They have given me credit for the stories and have made it clear that the oneshots In the story are mine.

I appreciate you guys looking out for me but please check to see if they gave me credit for the story before telling me they stole it.

I have not given anyone else permission to use my stories so if you see anyone else who is using it please tell me. Im sorry for the misunderstanding I totally forget to tell you guys about this translation story.

If you would like to use my stuff id appreciate it if you asked me first and gave me credit. TraduccionesMapache was very respectful and polite asking and if you know anyone who would like my stories but has trouble with English please send them to their account ❤️.

Also part two of the Paul smut will be coming out soon!

Also part two of the Paul smut will be coming out soon!

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