Charlie swan

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FEM reader she is the Cullens aunt and the hale/Whitlocks adopted mom she's known Carlisle since they were human children so they are considered brother and sister to eachother.

Her gift is she can help people remember things that have been forgotten and also erase memories. She is able to go through and see everyone's memories as well. Witch personally I think is cool as fuck but I'm the author so lol. Also she's a detective because I feel like her gift would be perfect for the job.

Y/n pov

"Wait, wait, wait. So let me get this straight. You want me to go over to someones house because you used your super speed to stop a car from hitting some girl and now you want me to go and erase said girls memory of it happening to save your ass?"

"Uh yeah that basically covers it all." Edward says as he sits across from me.

"If this precious specimen wasn't on my lap I'd get up and smack the shit out of you Edward." I say sighing as he smiles at me.

I look down at jasper who has his head on my lap sleeping. He's always had trouble sleeping after Carlisle saved him so he comes to me when he can't for some reason I always seem to put his mind at ease.

I've asked him if he wanted me to erase his memory of all the bad things from his past but he said those memories make him fight harder to be a better person.

"The favoritism is real" Emmett says walking in and pointing at me playing with jaspers hair. "Hey as long as you know." I say smiling as he playfully scoffs and throws a pillow at me.

"What is her address Edward?" I say not looking up at him. "You mean you'll do it?!" He asks excitedly. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect this family Edward." I say and he smiles and excitedly writes it down for me.

"I'll need a excuse so I'll bake some treats and take them over saying I wanted to check in and see if she's alright." I say sighing I don't want to wake him up he looks so peaceful.

"Jazz you've gotta get up my baby." I say softly while combing his hair out of his face. (She called him her baby in a endearing way she loves him as if he were her own child.)

"Hm but why?" He asks getting up and yawning. "I need to go somewhere but would you like to cook some treats with me?" I ask and his eyes light up as he nods.

Time skip

I sigh as I get out of my car with the basket of baked goods me and jasper made and walk up to the door of the swan house.

Knock knock

"Hello?" A very attractive man opens the door I stare at him as time stops and all I see is him.


"Oh uh hello sir. I uhm I was stopping by to check on bella." I said finally stopping my internal crisis.

"Oh yeah of course please come in." He says letting me in and pulling a chair out at the dinning table out for me to sit. "Thank you Mr. Swan." I say sitting down and he pushes it in.

"Please call me charlie. And ill go get bella." He says running up the stairs.

'oh dear God what have I gotten myself into?! I finally found my soulmate but I'm about to take his daughters freaking memory of my family away?!'

"Hello?" A girl I'm assuming bella says walking up to me.

"Oh hello bella how are you feeling? I brought some treats for you." I say pointing to the basket on the table.

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