Jasper smut😉😏🙏

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As the title says this is a smut bottom jasper and top reader.

Warnings: unprotected sex(however they can't get pregnant), bondage, overstimulation, toys, and mommy kink.


Readers pov.

"Please jasper, it'll be fun I promise." I beg my boyfriend of 6 years. "Uhm what part of hanging in a room full of people you barely know who talk to you fun?" Jasper says dramatically.

"It's called socializing jasper." I say raising my eyebrow at him.
"Yeah in other words unfun." He says with a duh face.

"That's not even a word." I say throwing a pillow at him and rolling my eyes. "Uhm yes it is." He replays back while catching the pillow. "No it isn't." I say back. "Yes it is look it up." He says throwing the pillow back at me, but I catch it.

"Fine look it up." I say tossing his phone to him. "Okay I will." He says as he quickly types.

"Aha here it is word:unfun, pronunciation: un-fun, Definition: that stupid party (y/n) wants to go to. See I was right." He says quickly.

"You're lying let me see." I say as I try to grab his phone. "Nope sorry already logged off oops." He says putting his phone away.

"Antisocial cunt" I mumble
"Dumb hoe" he replies
"Asshole" I glare back at him
"Bitch" he says smirking
"Cum guzzling cock whore" I say back
"No darling that's you" he replies back as he crawls on top of me as I lay on the bed.

I scoff and push him off and stand up. "What are you doing?" He asks sitting up his elbows. "Getting ready." I say grabbing some nice clothes. "For what?" He asks confused. "The party. I'm going, you don't have to. But I want to see my friends." I say as I start getting dressed. "You can't go alone." He he says sitting up on the edge of the bed.

"And why not. I am perfectly capable of defending myself." I say while I grab my brush. "But what if.....what if something happens and you need me?" He says trying to convince me not to go. "Jasper I am going rather you are coming or not." I say as I finish styling my hair.

It's silent for a couple minutes then.

"UHGGGGGGGG Fine I'll gO." He says after he realizes I'm not going to give in to his pouts.

Time skip

"Can we go now?" Jasper says as we walk into the party. "No now behave." I say as he sighs.

Five minutes into the party and jasper has asked if it was time to go 12 times, completely ignored 5 people, and dramatically sighed at least 18 times.

"Is it-" I cut him off. "No jasper it is not time to go yet!" I say glaring at him as he sighs dramatically and throws his head back. "But why?" He asks whining.

"Jasper if you behave and stop pouting I'll reward you when we get home" I whisper in his ear and I feel his body shudder. "Deal." He says.

10 minutes later I'm chatting with someone from Bella's school and jasper is standing next to us being quiet, ever since I made the deal with him he's been on his best behavior he even smiled at some people and held a conversation for more then ten seconds. However he did gag when Seth shook his hand, not because of the smell, not because of something he ate, oh no it was because he was being a dick because why not?. But I wasn't to mad so I let it slide.

"(Y/n/n)?!" I hear someone yell as the girl from school walks away. I turn around and see my longtime friend Jacob black jogging up to me.

"Jake?" I say as I hug him and he hugs back. "How have you been it's been a while." He says as he pulls away leaving his hand on my hips (in a friendly way he doesn't like her). "I've been great, how about you?" I say smiling brightly. "I've been good thanks for asking." He says beaming at me.

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