Carlisle Cullen teacher 2

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Part two to the one where reader is a teacher.
Requested I know it was requested to be a smut but I want to make part two a fluff then do a part three as a smut.

"Ms. Y/L!" I hear someone yell as I stop and turn around. "Oh hi Alice and Rosalie!" I say smiling. "I'm so glad we finally found you!" Alice said breathing heavily. "What do you mean? Howd you know if be here?" I ask confused.

Rosalie elbows Alice in the ribs before quickly answering first. "You said you needed to pick some stuff up at the store this weekend. We were hoping you'd be here today. What a lucky coincidence." Rose says laughing as Alice looks at her in disbelief from the hit.

"Oh I don't remember saying that." I say laughing at my forgetfulness. "Well you did!" Alice says really loudly for some reason.

"Well is there something you girls needed?" I asked politely. "Yes actually. We are shopping with our dad and he has horrible taste in clothes so we were wondering if you could help us pick out an outfit to go to the dance in?" Alice says quickly. "What dance? Our school dance is seven months away." I say confused as panick spreads across Alice and roses faces.

"It's family thing! All of our relatives show up and everything!" Rose says quickly and panicked. "Oh ok sure I'd love to help you girls." I say as they drag me to a clothing store.

"Hey dad." Alice says bouncing over to a tall extremely handsome man. "Oh there you are. How about this one it's..... pretty?" He asks holding up this hideous brown dress. Alice looks at it with horror in her eyes.

"See we told you we need your help." Rosalie says getting Carlisles attention. He looks up at me and his eyes widen and he drops the dress. "Oh shit. Fuck. Um h..hi?" Carlisle says rushing to grab the dress.

"Hello Mr. Cullen." I say holding my hand out for him to shake. Instead of him shaking it he grabs it and kisses the back of it. "hmm I thought I told you to call me Carlisle." He mumbles huskily against my hand.

'damn he sounds so fucking hot and demanding.' I think to myself and my breath hitches. "O..oh sorry. Carlisle." I say pulling my hand away as he lets it go. "Ah much better." He says looking into my eyes with such control.

'fuck his dominance makes me wonder what he's like in bed. I wonder what he's do if I disobeyed him In the bedroom.' 'damnit stop it y/n for once in your life get it together!! You sound like a horny bitch!' Snickering breaks me out of my internal argument.

I turn around to see Emmett, jasper, and Edward. Edward and jasper being the ones laughing. 'what is so funny?' I think to myself. "Oh nothing." Edward says out of nowhere. "Hey Edward shut the fuck up man." Jasper says shoving him while everyone else looks at him glaring and I stand there confused.

"Uhm anyways dad that dress is absolutely hideous." Alice says looking disgusted at the dress. "It really is" I say agreeing with her and Carlisle laughs embarrassed. "Yeah they asked me to help them pick out dresses for the scho-" "THE FAMILY DANCE! She knows dad we already told her about it!" Alice says as Rosalie pushes Carlisle into a clothing rack and he falls into it disappearing for a little while.

"Oh right the family dance!" Jasper says
"Yeah the one that we have every year" Edward continues.
"Yeah the family dance the one that actually exists and isn't something we made up so we could parent trap you and our dad into meeting and falling in love." Emmett says staring deep into my soul. The others look at Emmett with such uter disbelief.

"We'll talk more about this dance later. Won't we guys?" Carlisle says through his teeth and he smiling as the others gulp.

The next day

Today is the day I go hiking with the Cullens! I'm so excited. I had such a good time with Carlisle yesterday him and the kids make me feel hole and the weird part is I didn't even know I wasn't hole until I met them but now it's like I have this burning need to be around them. Carlisle and i talked a lot with me yesterday as the girls tried on dresses Emmett tried dresses on to but then he ripped one and the sales lady yelled at him.

I pull up to the parking area where Carlisle told me to meet them.

"There she is!" Emmett says running over and opening my door for me. "Oh thank you Emmett" I say getting out and jasper hugs me which surprises everyone.

"Hey jazz everything ok?" I ask petting his hair. "Yeah I just missed you." He says smiling and pulling away. (I'd baby the fuck out of jasper and Seth if I was in twilight man they would be spoiled and babied lol)

"Well shall we?" Carlisle says motioning towards the trail.

We've been walking for about an hour now. And we've made It up quite high.

As I'm walking the ground near the edge caves in causing me to slip and hang off the edge. I yell out as my hand looses it's grip and I start falling.

All of a sudden Carlisle runs over to me fast as fuck (you wanna see some real speed bitch I'll show you some real speed.) And grabs me before it's to late.

He holds onto my waist hugging me tightly. "Oh my God are you ok?!" He says holding tighter.

"What...what the fuck was that?!" I ask still shocked. "Uh oh." Alice says. "Ha and you all said I'd be the reason she found out." Edward says but Rosalie hits him in the back of the head making him shut up.

"Please don't be scared." Carlisle whispers. "Just tell me Carlisle." I say in a reassuring tone. "We are..... vampires I know it's probably hard to believe but I mean you saw it yourself. I didn't want you to find out this way. I didn't want to lose you when I finally just got you so I was going to wait. But I would rather you hate me and still be alive than have you gone forever." He says looking into my eyes with peer sadness.

"You aren't going to lose me Carlisle. I like you too. and I don't give a damn what you are. Vampire or not you are an amazing person Carlisle. And you have an amazing family anyone would be stupid not to love it." I say caressing his cheek.

Carlisle smiles and starts leaning in for a kiss but I dodge it.

"Carlisle I really want you to kiss me but I'm currently hanging off the side of a cliff and Id really love you be pulled up please." I say as his eyes widen and he finally pulls me up. "Sorry" he says bashfully.

"Do I get my kiss now or???" I say smiling. Carlisle smiles at me and brings my face up to his contacting our lips in a kiss that sends shockwaves throughout my body.

In the background the boys are whistling and hollering at us saying stuff like. "Get it Carlisle" or damn save some for the bedroom" causing Carlisle to flip them off but not stop kissing me. The girls are just taking pictures of us kissing and also fangirling over it.

I'm glad I almost died today.

The end part three will be a smut so hang in there y'all.

I hope you liked this one 💜💜

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