smut Edward and Carlisle Cullen

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Edward and Carlisle x virgin FEM reader smut
Gentle sweet sex also even though reader is not technically a virgin she's never willingly had sex so I'd like to say she's mentally a virgin. WARNING THIS ONE SHOT TALKS ABOUT RAPE AND READERS EXPERIENCE OF IT SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL READING FURTHER AND KNOW I LOVE YOU AND IF THIS HAS HAPPENED TO YOU. YOU ARE SO STRONG AND IM SO PROUD OF YOU BEING HERE TODAY 💜💜💜

Y/n pov 6 months into the relationship.

I'm sleeping peacefully when I feel gentle kisses being placed up my neck to my check as the lips meet my lips I smile softly kissing back. "good morning my love. You look beautiful as always." Carlisle's deep husky (😫) morning voice whisper as he pulls away.

"Good morning handsome" I say sleepily. "Edward is in the shower. He's coming with me to work today. There's a coma patient I can't seem to understand what's wrong with him so I'm going to have Edward read his mind and see if there's anything that could help me understand how to help" Carlisle says getting dressed. I nod smiling slightly at how much Carlisle cares for his patients.

"Well if anyone can do it it's Edward. Good luck" I say. Carlisle smiles at me. Pretty soon Edward comes out of the bathroom ready to go. He walks over to the bed kissing me. "Good morning beautiful. I hope you slept good." He says pulling away. "I did thank you. I hope you two have a good day" I say as both of them kiss me goodbye before heading out.

I walk over to the window watching the car drive away. As soon as they are out of ear shot (auto correct kept trying to put shit instead of shot 🥲) I throw myself onto our bed sighing shakily as I hug my pillow crying slightly. I am so exhausted and mentally tired. Ive been having nightmares every night. Flashbacks. I'm glad Edward can't read my thoughts or they'd know something is wrong.

I just can't get it out of my head. No matter how hard I try. It's always there. It's always poping up in my head randomly. It haunts me. Thoughts of 'him'. What he did to me. The pain I felt. The way he looked at me like I was nothing.

As I cry I fail to hear my bedroom door open. I jump back with a scream as I feel someone grab my shoulder. I fight against the hold screaming and pushing away as I sob begging who ever is touching me to let me go. "please please stop! No no!" I cry out. I hear footsteps run into the room. "Emmett what happened?!" Rosalie asks panicked. "I..I don't know I heard her crying so I came in here to comfort her but she started crying and screaming. I think she's having a panic attack." Emmett says extremely worried. "Don't touch her. No one touch her" alice says realizing I'm trying to stay away from everyone as much as possible as I hug myself crying hysterically.

"Emmett get away from the bed. She needs space" Rosalie says softly as Emmett slowly gets off the bed putting his hands up as he backs away as a way to try and show me he's no threat.

Soon jasper runs in and calms me with his power the best he possibly can. So now I'm just sniffling but I'm no longer in a unconscious mind set. I am fully aware of what's happening now.

"Im sorry Emmett." I say crying slightly. "It's ok. Don't apologize. I'm sorry I scared you" he says. Rosalie looks at the boys and soon enough both of them leave so it's just me Alice and Rosalie.

"Can we sit on the bed?" Alice asks softly. I nod and both girls slowly sit on the bed. "Can you talk to us? Tell us what happened?" Alice asks. I shake my head no as I cry out a soft sob. "We want to help y/n. You're important to us. Whatever is hurting you....we need to know." Rosalie says calmly.

"I...I can't" I say crying. "It's ok. You can do it. Take your time. We're here to listen." Alice says. I take a deep breath. "Before Carlisle found me I was a college student. I was top of my classes and had a great scholarship. I was always told by everyone I was going to become successful. I had big hopes. I didn't party. I was a good kid. One night I met this guy in my class. He was handsome and kind. He invited me to a party. I said no. But he kept pushing. I told him I didn't go to parties. And he said it wasn't a real party. That it was a study party. Like a study group. I agreed. When I got to his house something felt odd. No cars where there. He had said I was the first one and the others would be here soon. One hour in I had a bad feeling as no one else had shown up. I decided to leave. As I tried to leave the door he grabbed me and threw me to the ground......he......he proceeded to force himself onto me. I screamed and begged for him to stop. He wouldn't. He raped me all night. Tied me on his bed and used me throughout the night when he felt like it. The next morning his friend came over and saw me. He freaked out and was yelling at the guy. The guy told his friend to calm down and that he was letting me go. The freind started telling him he couldn't just let me go. That I'd tell someone and he'd go to jail. So....they both planned to get rid of me. Right Infront of me. They drove me out to the woods. Stabbed me seven times before driving off. A little later Carlisle found me hardly hanging on to life by a thread." I finish my story. Both girls eyes watering.

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