Alice Cullen

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Takes place after Bella was turned but I'm not having the baby exist in this oneshot and they are all still in school. _________________________________________

Reader pov

"Well good morning sleepy ass." My brother kaiden says as I emerge from my room and into the kitchen. "It's called jetlag, unfortunately not all of us are psychotic little fucks who can just ignore the stress placed on our bodies." I say slightly smirking while rolling my eyes playfully at him.

"Couldn't you to greet eachother like normal siblings?" Our mom asks sighing but smiling. "Nah this is just how we show our love mom." Kaiden says placing a plate of food in front of me.

"Yeah I'd be concerned if I ever woke up and wasn't insulted by kaiden within the first ten minutes." I say causing kaiden and mom to smile and laugh a little.

"Anyways are you two excited for school? New town, new home, new school, new friends, new adventures, and possibly new relationships?" Mom says hinting hard at the relationship one. "Im exited to see how much sadder this town could get. I mean heck it's like we moved into sleepy hollow and I'm just waiting for the headless horseman to come get me." I say remembering how dark and lonely the town looked yesterday when we drove through.

"Headless horseman? Id give him some head." Kaiden says winking. "Kaiden! Oh my goodness I swear I just can't with you sometimes." My mom says with a shocked smile as I laugh at his randomness.

"Am I taking my babies to school today? So I can give you guys a hug and I kiss good luck on your first day?" She asks causing me and Kaiden to look at eachother in horror.

"No. No thanks mom I'll drive us." I say picking up my bag as kaiden hurriedly follows.

"Oh ok I get it just abandon the old lady. You know I used to change your butts? You needed me." She says dramaticly as we hug her bye and laugh.

Time Skip to school

"Oh my god y/n look at this place everything is so blue and sad looking." Kai says looking out the window. He's definitely not used to this at all he's very preppy and bright so this style is really bringing him down.

"Hey don't worry about it okay? You'll brighten things up in no time." I say trying to cheer him up. "Yeah right I feel like I'm going to get shot as soon as I leave the car just for my outfit." Kai says looking down.

Kai came out as gay when we were 15 he had leaked guys since he was young but was a little scared to admit it. He barley started acting himself when we turned 17, he started dressing how he loved in public and not just in the safety of our home.

Currently he's wearing ripped jeans with a Blue cropped sweater and boots. Back in LA this was fine but I'm not sure how people will react to him here. "Look Kai if anyone says anything just ignore them. You were born to slay and they just can't handle it." I say sassily snaping my fingers getting him to laugh.

We get out of the car and instantly eyes are on us. Me and Kai start walking up to the front office away from all the eyes.

After we get our schedules we see we aren't I'm the same classes. That kind of worries me I'm not going to be there to protect him from people.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Kai says noticing my change in behavior. "I'll see yo bcu at lunch ok? And y/n at least try to make friends." Kai says walking away down the hallway. He's always had a great sense of direction so in sure he'll get to where he needs to.

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