smut Jasper Whitlock part 2

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⚠️warning this is a smut so if you don't like it then skip⚠️ If yall don't like being called babygirl either don't read this one, or pretend he calls you something else.

"Now where were we darlin?" Jasper whispers in my ear. "J...jasper what are you d..doing?" I stutter nervously.

"Don't pretend like you don't want it, babygirl." He whispers while rubbing his hand up and down my sides.

Before I can say anything, he turns me to face him with my back pushed up against the wall. "Jasper?" I ask while looking into his eye. They look different they look clouded with lust, hunger, and love.

"Babygirl do you want this." He asks as he pulls me up onto his waist. "Y..yes." I whisper. "I cant hear you babygirl." He chuckles darkly while grinding against me.

I let out a quiet moan as he keeps grinding. "You gotta say it baby." He laughs. "Yes I want it." I say louder.

"Beg" He smirks.

"What no." I say looking at him shocked. "Fine then I won't do it then." He says putting me down and walking into a old bedroom.

"Wait what. No get back over here and fuck me!" I yell out to him. (😂😂😂😭😭) "No" he laughs at my outburst.

"Ugh." I say as a I walk into the room and flop on the old dusty bed. "You know what you have to do." He says looking at me wanting me to beg.

"No thanks I'll just deal with it myself." I say as I put my hand down into my pants. "Oh jasper." I moan looking at him. "Dont. Y/n I mean it." He growls out.

"Mm feels so good." I moan louder. All of a sudden my hands pulled out of my pants, and he held both of my hands above my head with one hand.

"I didn't give you permission to touch what's mine." He growls while sitting over me. "I don't need permission to touch MY pussy (sorry if that word makes you uncomfortable lol)" I say my voice full of course attitude.

"Oh darlin this, this right here stopped being yours the moment I saw you." He say sitting between my legs and shoving his hand in my pants massaging my clit.

I moan out and rock my hips up. "Ah ah ah no baby if you want me you need to beg." He says pulling his hand out. "God damnit just fuck me please jasper. Please." I cry out needing him.

"Ok but only because you look so gorgeous when you beg for me." He says. And the next thing I know I'm naked with a naked Jasper on top of me.

"Jasper please, no more teasing." I say out of breath. "Alright darling." He says rubbing his cock (nOiCe cOcK 😂😭) on my entrance.

He slams himself inside of me, as I yell out. "Shit your so tight." He moans. "Y..your so big." I breath out.

Jasper starts moving slow just to tease me. But then something snapped in him and he started going at an unbelievable pace.

"Ah jasper." I moan loudly as he groans in my ear. He speeds up and the bed breaks. But he doesn't stop.

I feel myself tighten around him and cum. "Oh god!" He groans as he cums inside of me.

Time skip to 3 hours later.

Me and jasper walk to his house. I stop at the door with him. "So um what now?" I ask.

"Um you could stay here with me, or I could go with you." He says.

"Jasper I'm not gunna live in your family's house, and I'm pretty sure aro already turned my room into a gaming room." I say laughing slightly.

"Then let's move, you and me we'll go find a house for us." He says grabbing my hand. "Jasper..." I start but he cuts me off. "No dont say no. We'll go find a cabin to live in just you and I. Ok?" He asks looking into my eyes.

"Ok jasper. We'll do it." I smile as does he. "I love you." He says moving his face closer to mine. "I love you to darling." He says kissing me. The kiss started to get heated.....until.

"Hey haven't you two had enough?" Emmett yells from inside.

"Yeah and jasper please don't think about anything for the rest of the day." Edward says fake disgust.

We both laugh and rest our foreheads together.

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