Getting things done

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Glenn's P.O.V

"How 'bout you man you gonna protect yours?" Shane says as he hands me a gun.

I look to Maggie and reluctantly take the gun.

"That's it," Shane says, "can you shoot?" He asks Maggie.

"Can you stop? You do this, you hand out these guns, my dad will make you leave tonight!" Maggie growls.

As if on cue the front door opens and out walks Ari.

"Baby girl?"




"ELSIE!" Carl shouts and clashes with her waist and hugs tightly. Followed by Lori, Shane and I.

We hug her one after the other, but she doesn't say a word. She just stares at the barn.

"Elle, you alright?" Shane asks.

"Dad, Hershel and Jimmy back with the two rotters yet?" She asks.

"Excuse me?" Lori asks in disbelief, "Arielle what are you talking about?!"

She walks past us and straight to Shane and takes a shotgun and loads it with ease.

"The plan?" She coolly asks. Which even shocks Shane.

"Arielle Grimes! You put that gun down now young lady! We are not doing anything!" Lori growls.

"Sophia, she's in the barn," she says.

Carol gasps and places her hands over her mouth as tears threaten her eyes. Carl also starts to cry.

"ARIELLE ELEANOR CHANEL AVA BELLE GRIMES! You're being delusional!" Lori scolds.

"Hey, hey Carlson," Ari bends down to Carls level but he refuses to look at her, "I know where she is babe, she said she misses you a lot. This needs to be done Carl. It's what she wanted."

He slowly turns to look at his sister and slightly nods causing her to smile. Carol stands there looking sad, angry, confused and baffled all at the same time aswell as Lori.

"Ari, you're being... delusional. I think you should rest. You just woke up from a two day coma. You can't be in the right mindset," I try to reason with her. Even though part of me believes Sophia is in there like she says.

She stares at me with a 'don't fuck with me' look. I don't even need a verbal response. I back up straight away.

"Ari, he's right. Yer not thinkin' straight," Daryl tries.

"Daryl please, you're one to talk honey," she retorts. "Actually take this Shane, I'll be fine with my Katana and hand gun."

"Oh shit!" T exclaims and points towards Hershel, Rick and Jimmy who lead in two walkers, just like Ari said...

Ari unsheathes her katana and takes off first like lightning. Shane even struggles to keep up with her.

"Arielle you're up?!" Rick says.

"Yeah dad! I was waiting for you two. I need to get in the barn now!" She demands, katana raised at the walker Rick has.

"Why do your people have guns?" Hershel shouts.

"Are you kidding me?! See this?! Do you see what they're holding onto?!" Shane yells.

"I see who I'm holding onto!" Hershel corrects.

"Arielle back off. And Shane just let us do this then we can talk," Rick says.

"Ain't nothing to talk about dad! Sophia needs to be free," Ari replies.

"Rick why can't you think like your daughter! These things ain't sick! They're dead, ain't gonna feel nothing for them. 'Cause all they do is kill! These things right here, they killed Amy! They killed Otis, they're gonna kill all of us!" Shane yells.

"Shane shut up!" Rick growls.

"Hershel man, let me ask you something could a living breathing person walk away from this?" Shane asks as he shoots the walker three times in the chest.

"Shane enough! Stop!"

"That's three rounds in the chest! Could someone who's alive, could they just take that?" Shane shoots it three more times, "why is it still coming? That's it's heart, it's lungs, why is it still coming?!"

"SHANE ENOUGH!" Rick yells

"You're right man that is enough," Shane says as he shoots the walker in the head. "ENOUGH! Risking our lives for a little girl that's gone! Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us! Enough! Rick it ain't like how it was before! Now if y'all want to live, if you want to survive, your got to fight! Right here! Right now!"

Shane runs for the barn as Rick continues to yell. Shane unlocks the barn doors and bangs on them to bring the walkers out.

"Get behind me!" Rick shouts at Lori and Carl.

Ari twirls her katana and slices Rick's walker's head clean in two. She doesn't even wait for a reaction from him and instantly turns around and walks towards the barn gun raised with her right hand and katana held in her left.

The walkers start to exit the barn. Arielle is bat shit crazy right now. She's slicing heads back and forth and shooting one after the other. After about 3 minutes of non stop killing from Ari, Daryl, T, Andrea, Shane and I we're finally done. But Ari isn't finished. She stands 10 meters back, directly in front of the door. She quickly wipes her katana and puts it back in its holster. But raises her gun with her left hand.

"Elle, it's done. We're done," Shane says, trying to pull her back.

"Not quite," she replies and shrugs him off, "you've done what you have to do. I'm not done yet."

As if on cue a small growl is heard and the door opens the slightest.

"No way..." I breathe.

Arielle's P.O.V

"It's time," I whisper.

I hear Carol's cries for her baby from behind.

I raise my gun and aim for the brain.

Daryl's P.O.V

What the fuck is going on? How did Ari know this? She's been crazy, but right about everything, ever since she woke up. I hold Carol as she cries for her daughter.


That one gunshot rang out like an air raid siren.

Sophia's gone. The girl we believed was gonna be found alive. Dead. We searched for her but she was in the barn the whole time.

I help Carol up but she shrugs me off and runs away to go cry somewhere.

I watch Arielle as she walks towards the camp.

We check all the walkers to make sure they're all dead after Beth was almost attacked by one. We seperate Sophia and Hershel's people from the other walkers.

Hershel's family goes back towards the house with Rick, Shane, Glenn and Dale in tow.

I turn my attention to the girl. The girl that's different to every other girl I've ever known. The girl that isn't afraid to stand up to me or challenge me. The girl that is my light in the darkness. The one that makes me happy just from seeing her smile. The one that saw this coming. The one that risks her own life for the people she cares for and loves. That girl is Arielle Grimes and she's my girl.

...Authors note...

Cheesy? Maybe 🙈 Out of character? A tad 🙊 A lovely weird chapter? Yas 🙉 I hope lols 🐵
I know Arielle was kinda weird but she just wanted to get it over and done with ya know... hopefully it was enjoyable enough. Will post another chapter tomorrow 😁
Hope you're enjoying lovelies 😘
Much love x

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