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Arielle's P.O.V

"Pressure is stable."

Who is that? I heard him last night too...

"Fever's gone down. Breathing is even."

"Baby. Arielle baby," Momma?

My eyes flutter open. I look up and see an unfamiliar ceiling.

"Momma, where are you?" I question.

"Baby girl?! I'm right here baby. Dad's here. Carl too. We're here," she replies, holding my hand I turn my head slightly to see the three of them.

"Sophia?" I ask, they look at me with a solemn look. I'll take that as a no. Dad changes the subject quickly.

"Baby girl I'm so sorry I let this happen," dad says.

"Dad shut up. Ain't your fault, don't worry about," I weakly reply with a faint smile. I hear them chuckle.

"Elsie?!" Carl exclaims, he wraps his arms around my neck.

"Hi there, Carlson," I reply, as I rub his back.

"ARI?!" Glenn exclaimes as he rushes to my side and lightly hugs me, "I'm so glad you made it," he mutters, "I love you, ya know that right?"

"Of course Glenny, I love you too," I hold up my pinky, "forever right?" he grins.

"And ever," he replies. We all chuckle.

Then we hear a motorcycle rumbling.


"They're here. You rest up baby. We're here okay?" mom says. I nod as her and dad kiss my forehead. Then they leave the room, Glenn in tow.

"Else, you know you saved my life right?" Carl asks, I nod, "you stopped breathing last night. We thought we lost you. Because of me."

"Don't go to the light. Baby please, you can't die please."

The light... That fucking light I saw was me dieing. Holy shit. But I could hear them even while I wasn't breathing... Dieing's weird man.

"Elsie. Elsie noooo. You can't leave me. I love you."

"Elsie? It is my fault isn't it?" he snaps me outta thought.

"WHAT?!" I snap he stares at me in shock, "sorry little man, it's just ... I was thinking you know. Last night when I wasn't breathing I heard mom. I heard you. I love you too Carl. And there ain't no way in hell this is your fault. I'd rather it be me than you baby brother," I say.

"Glenn said that!" he replies grinning.

"That's because our korean brother is super smart!" I reply ruffling his hair.

"I love you too Elsie," he says.

Daryl's P.O.V

We arrive at the farm.

I hope she's okay...

I get off my bike and we gather at the bottom of the steps as Rick, Glenn and Lori come out.

"How is she?" Andrea asks.

"Last night... L-La-Last night, we uh- we almost lost her she stopped breathing," Rick says, tears still in his eyes.

We stand there, shocked, speechless.

"Oh my god," Andrea gasps, tears threatening her eyes.

"Thankfully to Hershel, Maggie, Patricia and Shane she made it," Lori adds.

"We were so worried, how'd it happen?" Dale asked.

"Hunting accident. Just a stupid hunting accident. She pushed Carl outta the way. Took a bullet for him. Saved his life," Rick informs us.

Arielle almost died for her brother...

"Can I see 'er?" I ask, not caring about the looks I get.

"Of course hun. Come with me," Lori says.

Hun? Jesus christ. You're lucky I lov- like your daughter.

She takes me to the room and T-Dog and Carl are right by her side. T-Dog gets up straight away but quickly kisses her on the forehead and grabs her hand.

"Glad to have you back baby girl," T-Dog says.

"Glad to be back with my homeslice," she replies with a smile. He kisses her hand then leaves, nodding to me and Lori.

"C'mon baby, give your sister a break. Come have some breakfast," Lori says.

"But mom!" Carl sulks.

Ari giggles at him.

"Babes, I'll be right here when you get back alright," she reassures him.

"Fine," Carl gives in. He jumps of the bed but points at her, "but, I'm coming straight back as soon as I finish eating okay?"

"Yes sir!" Ari replies as Lori escorts him out of the room.

"How're ye feelin' princess?" I ask taking the seat next to her bed.

"Considering I almost died last night ... pretty swell actually," she replies chuckling, "how bout you?" she asks.

"Better now, knowin' yer still alive," I reply.

She blushes a bit.

"Well that's lovely," she replies with a genuine smile, "I'd hug you but I have some stitches that I can't rip. But the feelings there," she adds.

I snicker, "I know darlin', don't need ya hurtin' yourself even more now huh?" I say.

"Can't get any worse man," she replies smirking.

"Daryl? Daryl?!"

"There's your calling Daryl. It's my father. Save yourself. Take the chance and leave while you can. Don't look back," she says dramatically. I laugh at her.

"I ain't goin' nowhere without you sweetheart. Whether you're halfway dead or not. I'm dragging you along with me," I reply, "can't get rid of me that easy." I bend down and kiss her on the cheek then grab her hand, "Looks like we can't get rid of ya that easy either."

She giggles, "damn straight," she replies.

"Good, that's what I like ta hear. Now rest up princess. See yah later alright?" I say.

"Of Course Daryl," she replies with a grin.

"Good, get some sleep," I say and give her a kiss on her hand.

"Alright, be careful, stay safe," she replies still smiling.

"Always am gorgeous," I reply with a wink and I leave the room.

Carl sees me leave and comes running over.

"Finally!" he exclaims.

"I was in there for 5 minutes kid," I say ruffling his hair.

He chuckles and swats my hand away.

"Whatever old man," he says and then quickly runs to his sisters side with a game of chess.

"Hey, ye better watch yer mouth boy!" I warn.

The smartass just pokes his tounge out at me and I hear Ari giggling. I roll my eyes and shake my head walking off.

Tha' boy has Ari written all over 'im alright. Lil' cheeky prick.

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