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Rick's P.O.V

Merle.. he's gone. He.. his hand. He cut of his hand.

Arielle's P.O.V

Daryl whips around.

I see where this is going..

He aims his crossbow in T's face.

Nah ah Daryl, I don't think so.

I jump in front of T.

"Ari!" Glenn exclaims.

T tries to move me but I ain't budgin'.

"Ari get outta tha way girl," Daryl demands.

"Not until you put it down," I say firmly.

Dad now has his gun aimed at Daryl's temple, "I will not hesitate, I don't care if every walker in the city hears it," dad says in an angered tone.

Daryl eventually lowers his crossbow and Glenn yanks my arm and pulls me into his side.

"Are you crazy he could've killed you!" he whispers.

"Glenny it's alright okay, my dad wouldn't let that happen," I reassure him.

"Hell, I wouldn't even let that happen," he replies.

I laugh, "Of course Glenny," I pat his chest as he smiles.

We follow the blood trail. Turns out Merle cauterized the stump and broke out a window.

Christ, he is a tough son of a bitch.

We make agree to get the bag of guns before we carry on looking for Merle. Glenn's going to get the bag while Daryl and I wait for him in the alley, with dad and T two blocks away.

I climb down the ladder after Daryl. He offers his hand and I smile and take it.

"Thanks," I say and he just nods.

"You got some balls for a chinaman," Daryl comments.
"I'm Korean." He's Korean," Glenn and I say at the same time.

"Whatever," Daryl says as he rolls his eyes.

Glenn passes me his overshirt and takes off.

Daryl taps me on the shoulder as we hear footsteps. I unsheath my katana as we step out.

What the hell ?...

It's a mexican kid around 17 years old.

Daryl pushes me behind him and raises his crossbow.

"WOAH, don't shoot me."

"Where's my brother you seen him he's been hurt real bad?!" Daryl asks.

"Ayudamé!" The mexican yells.

"Shut up!" I yell in a whisper trying not to alert the rotters.

"AYUDAMÉ!" he screams.

"You hear her, shut up. You're gonna bring the geeks down on us! Now answer me!" Daryl demands.


Daryl knocks him over with his crossbow...

Then we're knocked to the ground by his asshole buddies.

I slowly get up. My visions blurred and I have a damn gash on my forehead from hitting the dumpster. I steady myself and get up to see two men are beating on Daryl.

"Hey get the fuck off him!" I yell as I stagger towards them.
"Ari..." I hear.

Shit. Glenny.
I whip back around.

My Dads name is Rick.Where stories live. Discover now