Matter of time

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Arielle's P.O.V

"Ari, Ari wake up please. Ari please wake up. It's me Glenny just wake up please Ari, PLEASE!"

Sounds like Glenn, jeez why is he shaking me so bad.

My eyes flutter open.

"The hell," I mumble.

"OH MY GOD ARI YOU'RE AWAKE!" Glenn exclaims as I'm pulled into a hug. I hug back. "I've been trying to wake you up for the past 8 minutes."

Typical Glenny.

"Chill Glenny, sorry. Where are we? Where's my dad? Where's my katana?" I ask, as I look around the room.

Looks like a rest home ...

"We're in an old folks home. Hopefully Daryl grabbed your katana, I know how much you adore that thing. Your dad came earlier to talk to the man here. His names Guillermo. He's actually pretty nice. Your dad's coming back soon but we're safe for now. They also stitched up the gash on the side of your forehead," he explains, "come meet some people."

Glenn drags me out in the corridor and into the hall.

"Ah she's awake," another mexican man says as he approaches me, "the name's Guillermo or G as I'm reffered too," he extends his hand.

I look to Glenn for reassurance and he nods, so I shake his hand.

"This is Felipe," G informs me as he nods to a chubby man with a bit of a limp. He just nods.

"Arielle, Arielle Grimes. You can call me Ari or Elle or Ellie," I reply with a smile and let go of his hand.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl," he replies and Glenn takes a step towards me and rests his hand on the small of my back.

Thank god, I was getting kind of uncomfortable with the stares from some of the men.

Guillermo glances at the two of us and raises his hands in surrender.

"Just stating the facts homes, just telling it how it is," he covers, "by the way your dad should be back soon then we'll let you guys leave. Oh and JORGE ?" G yells.

'Jorge' jogs over.

"Yeah man?" he asks.

"Jorge se disculpó. Su nombre es Arielle," G says.

"Ah sorry, for the um cut Senorita Arielle, I didn't mean no harm," Jorge apoligizes rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's fine, no problem man," I reassure him with a small smile.

He smiles back, "Gracias chica," he replies and heads off.

"Make yourselves comfortable for now," G implies, "before you know it you guys will be out of here alright. Catch y'all soon," he says, then turns around.

Glenn and I smile.

Wow he is nice.

An old lady approaches Glenn and I.

"Oh Ari this is Abuela, Felipe's grandmother," Glenn introduces me to her. We shake hands.

"Nice to finally meet you cariño, Glenn has told me a lot about you," she informs me placing her hand on top of mine,"she is truly beautiful like you said Glenn."

I turn to look at Glenn with a smug ass smile.

"Oh really Glenny?" I question.

Aw Glenny's blushing and smiling at the ground.

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