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Arielle's P.O.V

"Oh my," I mumble. I cover my eyes from the blinding light shining through the barred windows. "How the heck did I get in here..?" I climb off the bed slowly with a searing pain shooting up my leg. "Ow what the... Oh that's right I got shot..." I slowly limp towards the cafeteria. Everyone's having breakfast.

"Elsie!" Carl exclaims in joy.

He runs towards me but quickly stops. He then slowly approaches me then cautiously and softly hugs me.

"You shouldn't be up," Dad says, as he approaches me.

"I shouldn't... but I am," I shrug.

He smirks then hugs me, followed by everyone but Merle and Daryl. Merle can't, obviously because he's locked in a cage thing but Daryl doesn't because... well I don't know.

Dad, Hershel and Daryl leave and Beth, Carol and Carl take my baby sister Judith and Louie into the cells.

"How's your leg Serielle?" Luther asks me. He sits beside me handing me a bowl. "Did I do alright?"

"It's fine at the moment. And I think you did an exquisite job, thanks love," I reply.

"Wie wäre es mit der schulter? Die narbe sieht gut aus," he says.

"Völlig vergessen, dass, so dass ich denke, es ist gut," I smile.

"Damn Arielle, you gone all Nazi on us sweet cheeks," Merle chuckles.

I stare at the bowl in my lap, clenching my jaw and fist. My left hand gripping my spoon tightly. Luther notices, he softly puts his hand over mine.

"Shut yer mouth!" Maggie scolds.

"Pfft w-"

"You heard her. Shut your mouth!" Glenn intervenes.

"Pfft whatever."

"Bro why are you so bitter? Just chill out man," Zac says to Merle.

"First of all don't call me bro, nig-"

"Merle! Shut the fuck up right now!" I butt in. I stand up and face him in his cage."You don't get a damn say around here. So fuck up!" I growl, taking a step foward.

"Ha. Wow... I always knew yer were a lil spitfire huh princess. Doesn't pass the fact that yer banging my brother and having the chink an' the german on the side, ain't gon' be long before ya get a bit o' the black kid in ya too," Merle smirks.

Luther cocks his gun and aims it at Merle.

Rick's P.O.V

"Daryl... We can't have him here, he's gonna stir things up," I sigh.

"I'll t-"

"You shut the fuck up right now! Shut up! You don't know shit about me or Zac. But don't you dare talk to Arielle like that and accuse her off such nonsense and leave Glenn out of this! Just fuck up! Fuck off!" Luther screams, his german accent coming through strongly.

Daryl and I run into the cafeteria to see Luther pointing the shotgun at Merle with Arielle standing behind him. Maggie, Zac, Glenn and Michonne standing on the side and Carol standing in the cell block doorway.

Daryl runs towards Luther, raising his crossbow at Luther's head. Arielle rips the hand gun from Luthers belt and holds it to Daryl's head. Earning a gasp from Carol and a shocked expression from Maggie, Glenn, me... and Daryl.

"Luther just put it down. Calm down," I reason with him.

Luther slowly lowers his gun but Arielle still has her gun raised and Daryl has his crossbow raised.

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