Something you should know

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Luther's P.O.V

Michonnes back. Arielle and Zac are still out. Daryl had to kill Merle. And now we're preparing for war.

"Luther, you take Maggie and Glenn up on the walkway with you, you're our last stage alright," Ricks says.

"Yes sir," I salute.

Everyone gets into position. The three of us wait patiently on the walkway.

"Luther, Ari and Zac ain't back yet?" Glenn whisper yells.

"No... Daryl never saw them yesterday either," I reply.

"Well course not... they went looking for baby supplies not the Governer," Maggie retorts.


"That's what they were looking for right Luther?" Glenn asks.

Just as I was about to reply gunfire goes off, explosions and everything. My heart beat increases immensely. They file into the prison building. Then Glenn, Maggie and I get into our positions. 5 minutes later, everyone rushes out of the prison coughing. I countdown from 3 with Glenn and Maggie.

"FUCK YOU PHILLIP!" I shout and start firing, Maggie and Glenn aswell.

The Governor and his people run to their vehicles and take off as fast as they can.

"We did it?" Maggie smiles.

"We did it," Glenn grins.

"Come on down," Rick smiles from the courtyard.

Carl's P.O.V

Hershel, Beth, Louie, Judith and I wait for the Woodbury people to scram. Suddenly the leaves rustle from behind us. I spin around and raise my gun, coming fave to face with a teenage guy.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't shoot," he says.

"Drop the weapon son," Hershel says.

"Sure. Here, ta-"

Suddenly a sword pierces through his chest. The blade swiftly pulls out of him. Before the body drops, the sword blade slices his head clean off. His head bounces along the forest floor and his body drops like a tonne off bricks, revealing a bloodied Arielle, next to a bloodied Zac.

"Elle!" I shout and run to her. I throw my arms around her waist. She wraps her arms around my head and leans on me. Putting pressure on my whole body. "Ouch, Elsie, you're hurting me," I mumble.

"Arielle... are you okay?" Beth softly asks. "Zac..."

"Arielle please, I'm being serious," I say, but still don't get a response.

"Arielle?" Hershel says. "Zac what happened?"

Suddenly Arielle falls onto me. I push her off me as soon as we hit the ground.

"Zac what happened?" Hershels says.

"Complete fifty nine zoro cat bowler eighty two," Zac mumbles. "It's a...." Then he too, falls to the ground.

"Hershel... what's wrong?!" I ask, worried about my sister.

"Heat exhaustion will be my guess, c'mon, we gotta get them back to the prison," Hershel says.

Rick's P.O.V

Hershel drives up to the courtyard.

"Maggie, I'm gonna need your help," he says as soon as he opens the door.

"Okay, come on daddy," she says as she goes to help him out of the car.

"No. No. No, not me, I'm fine! Luther I'll need your help, you and maggie get a cell ready, set up two beds please," Hershel says, as he hobbles besides the car. Luther and Maggie run inside.

"Hershel talk to me," I say.

"Open the door," Hershel plainly says.

I open the door, a katana slides out immediately.

"Arielle," I gasp. She's covered in god knows whos or what blood, a makeshift sling made from Zac's shirt. Zac's sat next to her just as bloody, with his foot stuck in an abnormal angle.

"Oh my god," Glenn gasps.

Carl heads inside with Judith, Beth with Louie.

"Someone, help please," I say, as I try and pull Arielle out of the car. Carol, Glenn and Michonne run to help me. Daryl puts down his crossbow and comes towards us.

"Put 'er down. Get Zac. I got 'er," He says.

"I'll help," Glenn says.

"Naw, she's got a fucked shoulder. I've got it," he replies. Daryl carefully picks her up and carried her inside to Luther and Maggie.

"I've got this," I say, as I carefully pull Zac out and carry him in the same way.

Hershel immediately pushes us all out as soon as we put the two down.

"That's it. We're finishing this," I growl.

We set out for Woodbury. On our way we come across their vehicles and multiple dead bodies and walkers. His soldiers. We kill the walkers and search the trucks. Suddenly a lady bangs on the window. I pull her out.

"What the he'll happened here?!" I ask.

"The Governor, he's gone crazy. Shot everyone," she says.

We take her back to Woodbury with us.

The lady, Karen, shows herself from behind the car as we try to hide, "Tyreese! It's me! Don't s-"

"Get down!" I growl.

Karen explains to Tyreese what happened. He tells us about Andrea was supposed to be with us. Michonne takes us to where she may be. Michonne kicks in the door, besides lies Andrea, a massive bite taken out of her shoulder.

"Andrea!" Michonne gasps and kneels down in front of her.

"I tried to stop them."

"You're burning up."

"Judith, Carl, Arielle, the rest of them..." Andrea says.

"Us," I correct her, "the rest of us."

"Are they alive?" She asks.

"Yeah, they're alive," I nod.

"It's good you found them," Andrea says to Michonne, "no one can make it alone now. I never could. I just didn't want anyone to die. I can do it myself."

"No," Michonne objects, tears streaming down her face.

"I have to, while I still can. Please?" Andrea pleads to me. I habd her the gun. "I know how the safety works," she jokes.

"Well I'm not going anywhere," Michonne says.

"I tried," Andrea says.

"Yeah... you did. You did," I nod. I give her one last hug. Daryl nods as him and I leave her and Michonne alone.

A few minutes later, a gunshot sounds.

Carl's P.O.V

Dad comes back, with two buses full of people.

"What is this?" I ask dad.

"They're gonna join us," he replies. I loudly sigh, earning a frown from him. "Problem?"

"Something you should know..."

"What Carl?"

"Arielle and Zac... they're sick. Hershel thinks they're not going to make it."

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