Days gone by

411 14 3

Rick's P.O.V

"Shane... Shane?" I question.

Where is he gone now?

I turned to look to my right where the vase of flowers sat, but their not fresh. They've wilted and crumble at touch.

Wait so Shane WAS here but not recently?
I'm confused.

I got off the bed but fall,
"Nurse, Nurse help!" I manage by to croak out. No one responds.

I managed to get up and go into the bathroom and have a quick sip of water. I opened the door and a gurnie is blocking the way and the hospital is ... deserted, damaged, it looks like it's been bombed.

As I walked to the reception desk there's blood splattered everywhere.

What the fuck.

I looked in the other corridor and there's a woman ? Well what's left of one, her body has been ripped apart.

I grabbed some matches of the reception desk and carry on. Then I saw the cafeteria doors padlock and chained shut.

Wait, what?

'Don't open dead inside' suddenly mutiple grey hands squeeze through the gap and a lot of moaning is going on as they start pushing against the door. I backed up, shocked and made my way down the stairs of the hospital. I came out and woah, what the...

Arielle's P.O.V

"Hey Elsie, wanna come play with me? I wanna play soccer!" Carl exclaims.

"Hey dude, sure I'll come-"

"Carl hun have you finished your math work yet?" Mom buts in.

"Yeah Mom I had uh-"

"Mom what the heck?! It's the end of the world and you're making him do homework?" I question, my voice slightly raised.

What the hell is she talking about?

"Arielle Eleanor Grimes you watch your tone ! You should be grateful I'm not making you do math." I just scoffed and rolled my eyes. She turned back to Carl. "Now Carl did you finish your math work ?" Mom demanded to know.

Jeez dead people are walking around and she's strung up on her son knowing what 2+2 is, instead of teaching him how to defend himself or I don't know something USEFUL.

"Yeah I just got stuck on one question," Carl replies.

"Well show me I'll h-"

"Nah ma I've got it I'll go help, I swear. Just carry on with whatever I've got this," I say.

"Arielle you better not-"

"MOM... I've got it alright," I reassured her, and started to walk away with Carl.

"Alright then, HELP him NOT answer it for him alright?" she called after us.

"Yeah yeah yeah, help not answer blah blah blah," I mumble as I wave her off.

Carl led me to where Carol and Sophia were seated. I told Carol to go do her thing, I'll look after the kids. She smiled and left.

"So Carl where are ya stuck bud?" I ask.

" This one," he shows me, "what do I do?"

I don't have time for this,

"It's 9," I answer.

"Mom said to help not give the answer," he told me with a smirk on his face. Sophia slightly smiling too.

"Well, you want sit here and do math or you wanna play soccer?" I question, smirking.

My Dads name is Rick.Where stories live. Discover now