End it

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Rick's P.O.V

"Dad... what if they don't wake up? It's been a two and a half weeks now," Carl sighs.

"Son, I don't know if they ever will... but if they do, they're never leaving my sight again," I reply, rubbing his shoulder.

"Maybe we should end it," Carl mumbles.

"What..?" I ask.

"Kill them. Put them out of their misery. They're suffering. I want them to be at peace," Carl replies.

"No. No, no, no, no, Carl that's not gonna happen. They're gonna wake up and we'll be here to support them because they'll be just fine," I say, slightly raising my voice.

"I hope you're right," he says, as he gets up and leaves the cell.

I slump back down into the chair, resting my head in my hand.


I look up to see Daryl at the entrance to the cell.


"Just checkin' in," he says, taking a step into the cell.

"Take a seat," I offer, pushing Carl's chair towards him. He grabs the chair then sits down.

"How you holdin' up?" Daryl asks.

"Carl thinks we should end it," I say, covering my face with my hands.

"What'd you say..?" Daryl cautiously asks.

"No, no way," I reply. Daryl doesn't say a word. I look up at him to see him biting his thumb nail while watching Arielle. "What do you think?"

"I think, Glenn and Luther will have a problem with that," he replies.

"I know... but what do you think?" I retort.

"You're her father, you do what's best, y'all won't listen to my opinion anyway," he says, as he gets up and grabs his crossbow.

"I do," I growl, standing up as well. "That's why I'm asking you Daryl! Should we or shouldn't we end it," I add. He looks at me then to Arielle and Zac then back to me.

"They're gon' wake up, leave 'em be," he replies before exiting the cell.

Glenn's P.O.V

"They're draining our supplies! We can't keep this up!" Carol says.

"We are not killing them! That isn't even a fucking option Carol!" I growl.

"Glenn... Are you willing to keep risking your life, for two people who may already be pretty much dead?" Hershel says.

Anger boils over me, tears starting to fall almost instantly.

"How dare you!" I shout. "Hershel, when your damn leg got bit we had to keep getting supplies and we're constantly guessing if you were gonna wake up or not! How is this any different?!"

"We just have to start thinking of the future," Hershel calmly says.

"Well if Glenn can't do anymore runs, I'll do 'em," Daryl says.

"Me too," Michonne adds, "we all know Luther will as well."

"Look, Zac and Arielle are sick, they're in a coma, we don't know what they're gonna be like if they ever wake up," Carol says.

"It hasn't even been a month yet!" I cry.

Suddenly Luther bursts into the room.

"Sorry I'm late. Did I miss much?" He asks, taking a seat at the table.

My Dads name is Rick.Where stories live. Discover now