Talk me out of it

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Arielle's P.O.V

I hug everyone before we leave.

"Look after my sister Hershel," Carl instructs.

"You have my word son," Hershel replies, patting Carl on the shoulder.

"Cool. Wouldn't want her getting herself into trouble. You may not know this but I actually love my Smellie," Carl grins, causing all of us to chuckle.

"Aw Carlson, I'm honored. I love you too," I say, as I hug him one more time. I kiss Judith and Jason again, before hopping in the car with dad.

We head off to the location to meet with The Governor.

"Not on speaking terms with Daryl hun?" Hershel asks.

"Most definitely not, Hersh," I sigh.

"Now why is that?"

"I can't even face him. I was gonna kill him if he killed Luther. I even cocked the gun... all I had to do was pull the trigger."

"But you didn't."

"Because I couldn't. Honestly if he shot Luther... I think I would've turned my gun on Merle first. Give me a little time to think if I could actually bring myself to kill Daryl or not..."

"You'd have every right too. I wouldn't stop you," dad interjects.

We all fell into silence. Engulfed in our own deep thoughts. The car eventually comes to a stop with Daryl rolling up beside us. I hop out of the car, grabbing my katana.

"Woah hold up," Daryl puts his arm out in fromt of me, protectively. "He's already in there. Sat down with Rick."

"I don't see any cars..." I say.

"Yeah... It don't feel right. Keep it running," Daryl instructs. Suddenly a 4wd drives up. "Heads up," Daryl nods.

I grip on to my katana handle with my left hand and place my right hand on my gun. Daryl raises his crossbow at the vehicle.

"What tha hell? Why's yer boy already in there?" Daryl angrily asks.

"He's here?" Andrea says, as she pops around from the other side of the vehicle.

"Yup," Daryl plainly replies.

Andrea storms towards the shed. Daryl, Hershel and I are left to face Milton and Martinez. I can feel their stares.

"Maybe I should go inside," Daryl mutters.

"The Governor thought it'd be best if he and Rick spoke privately," Milton says.

"Who the hell are you?" Daryl demands.

"Milton Mamet."

"Great. He bought his butler," Daryl scoffs, earning a slight chuckle from Martinez and I.

"I'm his advisor," he corrects.

"What kind of advice?" Daryl asks.

"Planning... Biters. Uh, you know, I'm sorry. I don't feel like I need to explain myself to the henchmen," Milton retorts.

"You bette-"

"Shut the fuck up Milton. Boy, we all know you ain't gonna do shit so you best shut your mouth," I interject, taking a step towards Milton as he swallows nervously.

"Look Ellie, we all know Milton is a know-it-all and we all know you mean buisness, but if we're gonna be out here pointing weapons at each other all day, do me a favor, shut your mouth," Martinez calmly says.

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