Group's divided

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Daryl's P.O.V

The group's split. It's only me, Carol, Dale and Andrea that are with the RV.

It's so hard to sleep. I can't stop thinking about Ari. Carol's sulking and Andrea's fiddling with her gun.

Fuck this shit .

"I need my clip. Now," I demand. Andrea gives it and I walk out of the RV. "I'm going for a walk. Shine some light in the forest. Give 'er somethin' ta look at," I tell Dale.

"I'm coming too," Andrea says.

"You think that's a good idea right now?" Dale questions.

"Dale," Andrea sighs then walks off.

Glenn's P.O.V

We arrive at the farm.

"So... Do we ring the bell? I mean it looks like people live here..." I say to T-Dog.

"We're past that kind off stuff aren't we? Having to be considerate," He retorts.

"Did you close the gate when you drove in?" the girl that was on the horse questions.

She's actually really pretty.

"Uhm hi. Yes we closed it. Did the latch up and everything," I replied.

"Hello nice to see you again. We met before briefly," she says.

"Look, we came to help. There anything we can do?" T-Dog replies, annoyed.

She stares at T-Dog's arm, with wide eyes.

"It's not a bite. I cut myself pretty bad though. That can wait though, where's my white girl?" T-Dog says.

"Ah, we'll definitely have that looked at. Arielle ? She's in here. Come on in, I'll let them know y'all are here. I'll make ya somthing to eat," she tells us.

We follow her inside and she shows us to the room Ari's in. I see her on the bed. She looks so pale.

"Hey," I say. Carl comes and hugs me.

"Hey," Rick and Lori reply.

"Glenn she saved my life. She pushed me out of the way," Carl says, still sobbing.

"Hey, hey, it's okay alright," I try to reassure him, "we're here okay. Anything you need-"

"We're here for her." T-Dog adds in.

"Thank you. Thank you both so much,"
Lori says, we nod.

"Anything for her. Whatever you need,"
I add.

We walk back to the loungeroom and the chick, introduces herself to us. Her name's Maggie. The old man is her father, Hershel. The blonde lady, Otis' wife is called Patricia. We chat for a bit but we're interrupted by yelling.



"NO NO! MOM?!"



We all run to the room. Carl, Lori and Rick are sobbing uncontrollably.


Oh my god.

Daryl's P.O.V

"You really think we're gonna find Sophia?" Andrea asks.

"Yer got tha' look on yer face, same as everybody else. What the hell's wrong with you people? We just started looking!" I snapped.

"Well... Do you?" she pressed.

"It ain't the mountains of Tibet. It's Georgia. She could be holed up in a farmhouse somewhere. People get lost and survive, happens all the time,"
I reply.

"She's 12."

"Hell, I was younger than her and I got lost. Nine days in the woods eating berries, wiping my ass with poison oak I reply.

"They found you?" She asks.

"My old man was off on a bender with some waitress, Merle was doing another stint in juvie. Didn't even know I was gone. Made my way back though. Went straight to the kitchen an' made me a sandwhich. No worse for wear. 'Cept my ass itched somthin' awful," I tell her.

Andrea laughs, I turn to glare at her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that is a terrible story," she replies.

Hell, we both laugh.

"Only difference though. Sophia's got people looking for her. I call that an advantage," I say.

"What the hell?"

We come across a walker swinging from a tree.

"Got bit, fever hit, world gone to shit, might as well quit," I read aloud, "dumbass didn't know well enough to shoot himself in the head," I mutter. "Turned himself into a big swingin' piece a bait," I say.

I can hear Andrea gagging.

"Ya alright?" I ask her.

"Trying not to puke," she replies.

"Go ahead if you gotta," I tell her.

"Nah I'm fine... ah, lets just talk about something else for a minute. You worried about Ari?" she asks. I snap my head back to her. I see her smirking at me.

"Nah, that girl's a fighter. She'll be fine. She's in good hands I guess. Why? Are you?" I retort.

"C'mon Daryl, of course I am. A gunshot can kill anyone. No matter how much of a fighter they are. I hope she is okay though. I'd hate to lose her too," she replies and looks at the ground, "especially after Amy," she mumbles.

This is awkward...

"Let's head back," I say.

"Aren't you gonna..." she questions.

"Naw he ain't hurtin' anybody. Ain't gonna waste an arrow either. He made his choice. Opted out. Let him hang," I reply.

"You wanna live now or not, just a question," I ask.

"An answer for an arrow," she replies, I nod. "I don't know if I do or if I have to or if it's just a habit," she answers.

"Ain't much of an answer," I say as I shoot the walker in the head, "and a waste of an arrow."

We head back to the RV.

Hopefully Ari is alright...

Arielle's P.O.V

Black. Black. All I'm seeing is black. Wait! I see a ... light. I'm gonna go for it. Why does it keep going back further every time I get closer.

"Don't go to the light."

Fuck that lady, I'm sick of seeing black.

"Baby please. You can't die, please."

Wait mom?


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