What is this shit?

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Hi, my name is Sara, but you can call me bee if you'd like. I've been writing for years. I started in middle school, and it's always been an outlet for me. I don't know how long this will be. It'll end when it ends. This is the first book that I will have made on here, and I do not expect to make another.
■If you didn't understand this is a poetry book, it will hold deep feelings and might contain sensitive topics, and there will not be warnings after this.■  If you do not like this book, that's fine. It wasn't made for you. But if you do like this, then stay a while, or don't. It's whatever you want.
This will have topics about self-harm and other mental health matters. I do not condone self harm, I'm just expressing my emotions. I'm not responsible for your feelings after what has already been said by me.
Although I do recommend getting help in some sort of way. It can be really hard to do this on your own. Talk to someone you trust, or if you can't do that, have some sort of outlet. You can't just bottle everything up. Thank you for getting this far ♡

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