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Do you smile when you see me?
Cause I don't even need to see you, all I have to do is think of you.
No matter how many times you've hurt me. I still think of you
I can't let go
I'm taught myself how to love you when you hurt me, I've been doing it for so long that I'm basically a pro
And I am not a lover by heart, I'd much rather be alone
But life without you? Thats something I could never part
I'd rather be turned to stone
You know what please turn me into stone because the last thing I'll see is your face and I'll be able to gaze at you beauty until you shatter me completely
And if you didn't know I'm spelling it out for you I love you but we'll keep at your pace.
I...don't have feelings for you? Is that your pace, cause this can be totally platonic
I can I hide my feelings
But that might be catastrophic
Considering I keep playing the memories of your lips on mine, your hands in my hair.
I keep remembering it and I know you said it meant nothing and to me that's not fair
You've brought out a whole new world of insanity from me
You've drugged my head and filled my veins with your very being
Yet you hurt me
I won't leave you until you leave first
I will not back down because with your whole being, I've been cursed
So kiss me one more time, but don't let it be our last. Don't hurt me.
I don't want to only be there when you need me. Don't take this too fast.
Just leave it be
And let's see how it plays out

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