take me with you

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I had a dream. And you were there. You've been gone a while but you where there. Here. I'm my dream. In front of my eyes. You gave me a long hug. Your silent tears landed on my shoulder as did mine on yours. You held me tight against yourself. Your arms caging me. You are here. I thought your touch would have been warm, but it it was a cold abyss, as if I was hugging space itself. "I know I shouldn't ask you this." You mumbled into my shoulder. "But can you join me, it just gets so lonely here. Please. I miss you." I took a breath and held your face in my hands. "I can't, I'm sorry. I still have things to do" a shakey breath left your lips. You wiped your tears away. "It's okay just promise to hangout with me when you get here" I nodded "I promise" I said kissing your forehead. And then you slowly disappeared from inside my arms, almost as if you were never there in the first place. And then I woke up

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