work to death

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I don't feel real. I feel like a pair of eyes sitting infront of a screen watching the world that was supposed to be "full of life and color" actually be a black and white movie showing the worst parts of everything. I can't stop staring at the screen hoping if I'd blink or stare hard enough, the world would be as it was played in movies. If I were to move my body now, it feels as if I was a character in a game of the repetitive life as a new form of survival. My actions don't feels like my own. Im just moving on instinct, the way we were trained. To preform and prefect the play of humanity as the  middle and lower class form. Survive for money to live for the hope of living better. We're robots stuck in an assembled line to wait hand, foot and word for the people who claim to be the "higher power" then they go home and sit in their fully furnished, stocked white picket fence house and count the money I made then shove it into their pockets or give it to country's that turn around and bomb a city with the same money. Instead of saving the world they then choose to destroy things as a solution to the problems they caused. They build stairs out of living people just to reach the top shelf of the cabinet then ask us why we're "whining and complaining" while we're bleeding and starving under their new shoes. And then when we fall apart they call us ungrateful for not wanting to put up with it. Like we're the crazy ones. They tell is to see a doctor then not pay is enough to even make it the gas station let alone the doors to the hospital. Just tell them I'm dead on sight and they wouldn't even notice.

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