Not a love poem

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I don't write love poems, but this would be an example
Now this isn't a love poem and this isn't a series of heartbreaks, this is a cry of desperation
Cause you are the entire existence of my being
Every time you walk past me I try to breathe in the little air you brush into my lungs giving a me new type of disease
And when the doctor asks me why I can't breathe I will show them a picture of you
One of you smiling softly about something in your mind when you think no one's watching
And when they try to give me the antidote, ill look away and tell them I want to die slowly. Peacefully.
You know I heard that if you let go of my hand that the sun will explode leading us to certain death
So don't ever let go of my hand
or at least hold my hand for 5 more minutes so I can be able to finalize every detail of your fingertips and the creases of your palms
I want to remember your touch even when I can't remember anything at all
And even if the sun still happens to explode at least we can die like that picture in the article of the dinosaurs cuddling while the world ended
And I swear that every time you laugh a star appears in the sky
I know that's probably not how stars come in to the world, but maybe if you laugh more I could debunk that theory
Once you asked me why I talk so much about nightmares invading my sleep, but when you are there nothing ever happens.
It's because every time you blink your long eyelashes I swear that I can hear a stringed symphony that calms every alert system in my head
so whenever you close your eyes to sleep your calming symphony brings me to sleep safely next to you, chasing any chance of nightmare away
So stay with me a little bit longer
I want to be able to hear you sleep talk to me about the "I love you" and the sweet incoherent whispers because I  will never tell you about them the next morning in fear of you being wrong about them, so I will keep them to myself to replay on a bad day
I want your hair to leave a forest among my pillows and your body to be a forever mountain of imprints in my sheets, so when I ever I roll over and you aren't there at least I knew you once were
How lucky would I be to bask in the presence of someone that is imperfectly perfect as you
Every time your eyes meet mine a lighter sets my heart on fire
It burns so bad I wouldn't be able to notice if I walked on a trail of hot coals left from your past lovers
I want to be your late-night calls and your morning I love you
And your mid-day ice cream runs
I just want to be yours
Even if it's for a little bit
Because even if the next day you were to leave me, I can at least say I now know what it feels like to fly up to heaven and fall down the stairs to hell in 24 hours.
I don't write love poems, but if I did it would sound like this

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