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What is love? "Love is a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust. Love can vary in intensity and can change over time." Or "High levels of dopamine and a related hormone, norepinephrine, are released during attraction. These chemicals make us giddy, energetic, and euphoric."
Sometimes I wonder if I can feel love for a partner.
Although I've felt love in my mother's whispers and my father's forehead kissed, and each hug from a sibling or a best friend.
I've never really been IN love.
In school I  felt pressured in to relationships because that's what you do in school, you get into a relationship, find love in it, maybe break up, or get married.
I never had the desire to do that. Maybe it's that I'm to scared, or I'm cowardly, because I definitely fantasize about what love would look and feel like, how amazing it would be to find that special someone.
Maybe I'm just in love with idea of love.
Because I do not believe that someone could really look at me and say "that woman is going to be the love of my life". My brain just can't grasp on to that. Cause why would someone even love me like that.
I know what attraction is because I see people and I think "wow their pretty". But I just can't finalize anything else. I don't not believe that there is a happily ever after love scene in my life.
Or maybe I am in love and I don't know it, or can't except it. But that would be silly. I should know I'd I'm in love. But how do I know when I'm in love if I've never felt that I'm I love. God it's so confusing. My family is convinced I'm going to be forever single and be a homebody. Which I wouldn't mind. I don't mind that I'm single right now. I mean yes I still wish that I could be in someone's arms sometime but, I don't want it all the time. Maybe I just haven't found the right person. Or maybe I just can't be in that type of love?. I wish my head and my heart would just either talk it out or shut up entirely. I'm tierd of being so confused.

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