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The white lines are my thighs are tick tac toe games that were left unfinished from the lack of X and Os
And the bags under my eyes are so noticeable they could be designer, but they're to heavy.
The scars on my lips are left from unwanted teeth, I still pick at my lips because if I was going to feel pain it would be my my hand
My nails are chipped and and somehow always dirty, no matter how many times I wash them or bite them off they always stay the same
My body is always itchy or unclean, I'd stand in the shower but my body can't carry all the extra weight you left.
I'm in constant fight or flight mode because when you leave a life or death situation, sometimes it follows you and you can swear that you hear someone knocking on your door or that person looked familiar or did I eat that already and just forget about it.
My other senses are always highted, yet when you say my name or ask me question I seem to always be left confused because I didn't hear you. I'm sorry I was listening to how many people enter the room and watching the shoes of each person that walked by and studying the patters on the ties to count how many steps it would take for me to reach an exit.
I fear your face will haunt my every dream, mirror, or window I pass.
I hope you fear mine as well

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