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There's bugs in my house
On my ceiling
They run towards the light almost in a religious manner, their dozens of feet tip toe carefully around the buzzing whisper of my dim light that whispers horrible nothings to me on an oversimulated day
Their on my walls
They hold on tightly as their world begins to tilt, they see the world in a different angles. I listen to there opinions on everything about me and my life
There on my tables
They watch the food come and go and lick their lips slowly tasting the air pretending to listen to me talk over wine, their not very good listeners
Their in my bed
They crawl in my sheets to keep themselves warm, they snuggle upon my pillows, they talk all night and when they don't they snore, I can never sleep with them around. I'm always scared that they'll do something like lay eggs in my hair
Their in my fridge
Eating my food and sipping my drinks before I even open the door, the first time it happend it was a surprise they told me they were sorry and it wouldn't happen again. They 5th time they said they didn't touch a thing, the 67th time they said that it was already gone, beside I don't need it anyway, I've since then stopped going to the fridge now
Their in my ears
Bugging me about all their problems, they cut me off everytime, even if I take a breath. I can't always understand their made up language, and when I ask them to repeat they get upset at me and if I don't they get mad at me, so I learn to stay still and be quiet, to not make a sound or to move a muscle, they mess up when I do, plus they say dead things are more attractive to them
Their in my eyes
making me see things that aren't there and what they think should be there. They cause me to cry unnecessary tears at unwanted and unneeded times, but store them away when I need them the most. They say it's for my health, that no one else should see me weak except for them.
Their I'm my mind
I can feel them I'm my brain, switching wires and making me forget things replacing them with things they'd like me to understand about them, that there only good and here to benefit me. The only negative thing they placed in my brain about them is that if I don't listen to them they I'll know what happens. I don't actually know what happens but I don't think I want to find out, I can only imagine maggets and gore
Their in my skin
Tickling my bones, giving me goose bumbs and shivers. Sometimes they move my fingers for me, sometimes my arms, my legs. I don't know where I'm going, nor will I remeber when I get there. I can see them crawl under the layers of warmth, they bludge out like unneeded veins. I've tried to cut them out but it never works, they stitch it up "good as new" they like the warm feeling of my skin, if I could I'd give it to them I would but my bones would get cold and their already brittle and old. Chipping away like paint, they shake like trees making chattering sounds causing unwanted unwanted visitors to place thier jackets over my shoulders. The bugs would get mad at me if id talk to them. So I better not, plus I don't think pale blue, red and purple are their colors.
Their In my heart
Pulling on the strings causing me to feel bad for them, poor little bug on the wall, no one to love them at all. They build an unusual wall around my heart, almost like a force field. The visitors I let into my life can give me their fragile hearts and I'd take it with my unwavering hands craving it with such desire, but as soon as I try to give mine it's stopped by the shield, it won't budge past my chest making it seem like I could give them my love but I just don't want to, when in reality I really really want to hold their hands. My hand are not my own nowadays though. As soon as a heart gets put in to my hands I feel my fingers shake and it slips and shatters on to the floor. Then my fingers will stop shaking and they'll reach for a broom to sweep the remaining pieces. I watch them cry, I want to cry to. I didn't mean to. I want to tell them I myself am a visitor inside this body
There were bugs in my house
I'd use to squash them or vacuum them up or release them But they won
I am the bug in their house
And sooner or later they'll find out that they can get rid of me

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