30 reasons why

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30 reasons why I don't want kids
One- I'm not ready, I'm not sure I will ever be
Two- they are a lot of money
Three-i can barely take care of myself what makes you think I can have one
Four- they need to be fed and watered everyday, and I have horrible memory
Five- If I do have kids I won't send them to school
Six- our educational system is fucked
Seven- I don't want a daughter
Eight- the creepy teacher that stares as the young blond girl sitting at the front of the class. He's suppose to be staring at the bored but instead he taps his pen excitedly while she shifts uncomfortably under his smirks and winks
Nine- the wolf whistles and the cat calls she'll get
Ten- I don't want a son
Eleven- I don't want him to be told to hide his emotions, that boys shall never cry
Twelve- I do to want him to turn out like some of the guys I went with in school
Thirteen- I don't want him to get into week old relationship with who ever just to break them down
Fourteen- I don't want to hide bulletproof shields in their bags
Fithteen- I don't want to kiss their head good bye when they go to school and to not be able to when they never come back
Sixteen- I don't want them to go to war at age 5
Seventeen- I don't want to get pregnant, and then loose it
Eighteen- I developed attachments quickly
Nineteen- I can't deal with most physical touch
Twenty- I don't think ill make a good mom
Twenty one- I don't want my child to face this world with out being able to get a gender conforming surgery by their requests.
Twenty two- I suck at picking out names
Twenty three- if they can't choose to be who they want to be, then how can they choose to be happy.
Twenty four- I don't want them to look up to me, because I can't be their hero
Twenty five- they'll get older, and find out this shit sucks
Twenty six- I hated getting the "talk"  from my parents, I'm sure they'll hate it when I give them one.
Twenty seven- I don't want to tell my kids to always look both ways while crossing in a play ground, to always have a buddy holding their hands chaining them to the dirt so they'll never be taken from the ground
Twenty eight- I will have know them all my life and they'll only know half of mine in the end
Twenty nine- They could hate me for trying to protect them
Thirty- they could hate me for not

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