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I'm really good at watching trains go by
And how fast the leaves fall
How the hands on a clock move ever so slightly to 6:17pm
It use to be your favorite time
Is it still?
We didn't know anything about each other, only the little things we only shared briefly as I watched cars go by
I told myself, "Don't let this be the one person you drive away," to "Give yourself this."
I counted the tracks on the rails as I racked my brain on reasons to leave you
In some way I bought you a ticket for a train
Pushed you on it and told you to leave me alone
To leave whatever this was
We were both crying as the train started moving
My heart stood in front of the train as my brain and body watched
I watched your body, mind, and heartbreak
And all I did was wave.
I do what I always do best.
I let them leave, or I make them leave.
I don't give myself a chance
I lead them on and then break them
I did give a warning that this could happen
It was practically written on my stance
"A walking red flag"
I don't want to be
But I am
And I dont know how to stop it.

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