rubber duckys and bubbles

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The air is foggy with steam. Today was stressful. I look in the mirror, but I can't see anything but a blurred image. Even if I try to wipe it away it just fogs back up. After many tries I give up. I walk over to the tub and gently sit in it. Today was a bad day. My body and mind beg for sleep. I close my eyes and lay back as the fog gets thicker. I hear the water drip on to the plastic tub, I don't know how long I sat there listing to it. I watched it fill up the tub and spill on to the tiles and out the crack under the door, the room starts to fill with water, i look around to find the source. I never turned on the facets. I being my hands up to my face this is embarrassing. The room fills up more and more. No matter how hard i push in to my eye sockets the water wont stop. I can't stop it. Not this time. I'm drowning in my own tears.

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