I..like. you

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I am doing okay. Not great. But it could be worse. Before I even get a chance to talk to you about it, the air shifts. I will already be writing a whole book on why you should stay on this earth. That you can be mad and scream and cry and laugh. That your emotions are what makes you who you are and I'd never change that. How you don't have to love yourself now but to love everything else around you. How I'd hollow out my body if it were to keep you safe and happy. I want to shield you from yourself even if you leave me black and blue. I'll let you talk about how my ribs are poking you, and I'll tell you to hang your coat there and stay to stay for a while. I hear you talk about how there's to much room for your body to fully fit in mine, ill tell you to add furniture and paintings make it feel better suited for you. I want to be your home and your safe place. Because with me I can at least try to keep you happy, to keep you distracted on the bad parts that you see in yourself. You can be mad, and scream, and hit, and punch, and kick. But do it it me, not to yourself because you did nothing to deserve that. Cry on my shoulder let me take your tears. Hit my chest and let me gently take all your sorrows. I can hold it and put it all in boxes and jars to put on the tops of the full shelves on my shoulders so I can carry the weight. Some day we can throw all those boxes out together and break the jars. But for now let me hold them. Let me hold you.
I might not be okay, but for you I'd forget it all. Even if you never tell me anything like I just told you. I will tell you again until you can say it back to yourself.

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