deaths life

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I've met death
And they didn't come in fancy clothes or an old rag, they looked normal
And there was no syth, just a old bag
When I first met them I was 7
They smiled and said they had everything under control. They held me close and comforted me. Said they wouldn't let anything happen to me as long as they were there, then they patted my head and guided me home, before I got to my doorstep death said "till we meet again"
Since then I've seen them in the eyes of everyone around me. In the shadows. I thought they were stalking me, waiting for the perfect moment. I watched them take people from my life. But when I didn't see my death anymore, I grew concerned. I went around and asked people about what had happend to death, they said he retired, and was replaced with a new.
In the mist of confusion and sorrow I went to an old bar.  I sat at the bar and watched the people in the area.
Some were partying and chatting with excitement, some were dancing and swaying to an old tune. But there was one person sitting in the back. A familiar face with a warn out bag, emptying a bottle of whiskey. I dont know where I got the courage, i walked up to them and infront of them."could buy you another?" I asked
Death looked at me but never met my eye
I could see the circles under their eyes, and the distraught face they carried
"I never wanted to be death.." They chucked  "I actually applied for life's postion." Death paused for a moment letting go of a breath. "I have kissed the faces of many and held so many hands till the end, I've walked them all the way to their end." Tears flooded Deaths eyes. Death tried to push them away. I grasped their hands gently telling them to continue.
"When I applied, they told me that only life can do deaths work and death can only do life's. I never understood until now. But I wish I didnt."  They started to sobbed on to the table. Death is natural, its nature. No matter how you have met death, it's the one thing no one can escape, people fear death yet death sobbs in front of me fearing itself.
"Why did you retire?" I asked
Death straightened themselves up and wiped the tears away, leaving red eyes and a runny nose.
"Do you know how to tell if deaths getting old? It's when they wish for their own death. I could be anyone you want to take you to the end, but there will be no one to take me."  In the blink of an eye I watched death turn into an a young girl, no older than 6. Gentle freckles splashed her face, hair in pigtails. Instead of a bag she was holding a teddy bear. The embodiment of innocence was washed away as I watched her down the rest of the whiskey, then death turns into an old man, the teddy bear was replaced with a cane. He was frail and skinny accept for his belly. He had a gentle face. A kind smile. Then death had turned into the idea of death. They stood 8ft tall, the long ratted black cloak hung over their skeleton body only showing their face and hands.
Deaths teeth was bare showing sharp canines. Instead of a cane they held a tall bloodied syth that could cut you with a single touch.
I couldn't take my eyes of them.
In a blink they were back how they were before, regular clothes and a worn down bag. "Did I scare you?" Death asked
"I would be lying if I said no"  Death looked away ashamed, they wiped their face and shook their head. "It was not my intention, It's just someone should know, I never was aloud to talk to anyone about this. It's almost my time"
I look at death confused, surly they were mistaken. Can death die?
Death order another drink, and took a small sip. I heard his breath shake.
"I'm scared" they whispered under their breath. Their eyes finally meeting up with mine
I took their hand once more and interlaced our fingers.
I watched death take their last sip before a bright light shined from a closed door.
The look of fear edged into Deaths eyes.
I squeezed their hand, and pulled them up from their seat. We quietly walked.
"I won't let you walk alone, ill walk with you to the end." I said
Death looked at me shocked as I continued to lead them to the door. The door was old and familiar, woodchips stuck out and gold designs trailed the sides. Death froze in front of the door, they shakily took the doorknob and cracked open the door. In a moment I watched life flash before deaths eyes. With a smile they let go of my hand and walked through the door with a small "thank you"

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