self loathing

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I grasp barbed wire trying to pull you closer to me
My bare feet scrape over shattered glass
Hoping just to make an impact, but you won't budge
So I'll baptize myself in the tub again, hoping the plunge might be enough to cover the pain
I'll throw up the shame
My bathroom has seen to much
And the mirror has seen me cry more than anyone else
It's hard to hide behind locked doors and shower curtains when you're hiding from yourself
I crave a perfection more than I crave food
That bullshit poetry could ever be better than perfectly cut straight white teeth
Running from my insecurities, trying to find peace in something that will never be good enough for me
Trying to get better is worse than being sick
And being sick is worse than death
"Try this new hair trick, leaving your hair silky smooth its absolutely perfect!" "This new oil pull is crazy perfect for you teeth!!"
"This new diet will make you loose weight in days, wow on your way to your perfection!" "This exercise will work in minutes, its perfect for you!" "It's perfect" "we're perfect!" "Don't you want to be perfect?" "you want to be perfect" "want to be perfect" "to be perfect" "be perfect" "Why aren't you perfect?"
Don't be perfect
You'll only end up looking like the worst of what you want to be

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