music to my ears

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I am a broken record
Never truly happy
I know I'm aloud to be sad
But not this much
And I have people to tell me that my broken record is playing music that they won't get tired of
But at the end of the day I'm sitting alone at a table full of empty chairs
I use to hate having the shadow of them following me but now it's all I want
At the end of the day they were there for me
Now there gone because I couldnt stop playing a broken record
Still I sit in a room full of strangers who all know my name and where I'm from
I have no ideal who they are but I'll smile and say "it's nice to see you again!"
When they ask how I am I realize it's not appropriate to say "I'm tierd and fuck it, fuck this, fuck you" so I'll stick in between and just smile and say I'm fine.

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