it never will leave

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Depression doesn't go away
It waits in the deepest parts of my mind waiting to come out. It sweeps me back into bed while stroking my hair every night it reads me a bed time story about my past failures and tells me I have no future because of them. It's lulling voice sounds strained but also comforting, it is my depression after all. It's been through my issues. It understands my pain.
Anxiety doesn't go away
Depression reaches down my throat and hold hands with anxiety, who resides in my stomach. Their hands meet in my throat and when their fingertips touch it takes my breath away and the tighter the grip they have, the less air I have in my lungs. The longer they hold eachother, the walls of the surrounding area seem to tighten around me. Depression tries to comfort anxiety as it worries about every passing second.
Bipolor disorder doesn't go away
It's a spirt that lives in my body and it comes and goes as it pleases, but it never just leaves. When it comes, it burst open the door and leaves muddy footprints when it walks. It smashes mirrors and shuts people out. It's angry with a rage that only brings hellfire and then it makes the deepest floods causing not only me to drown the people around me to.
Ptsd doesn't just leave
It comes in visions and makes me remember the worst with just a smell or sound. I can feel everything all over again
It comes in dreams and nightmares reminding me of every failed attempt and people victorys over me.
Body dismorphia doesn't go away
It waits in my eyes and tells me everything is wrong. This doesn't match that. That's too big. Every glance at a reflection is a death sentence.
ADHD doesn't go away
It can never stay on topic long enough for me. It's like the teacher that talks to fast and moves on. Finding new hobbies after new hobbies and then throwing them away. Having all the time to do something and then it never does it until the very last second.
Mental health issues doesn't just leave
People are just good at hiding at what's happening in the inside. We've been conditioned to sit and not speak up about our troubles. So we hug ourselves to try to keep the pieces together of what's left of ourselves. No one truly listens until they're looking at us break, these "monsters, demons" that screams and scratchs the inside of their cages begging to be let out. They tear threw my flesh and rip through the cracks to escape my body to show their true faces.
They don't just leave
They can be tolerable with the right moves
The right medication
The right day
The right song
The right book
But they're always there

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