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I'm a hopeless romantic without any hope for myself
I don't see a future where I can fall in love
And if do I put it on a shelf far away from where I or anyone else can reach it
Because once anyone starts a fire within me, it's hard to keep it lit
As soon as I see it, I can already feel it slip between my fingers
I will self sabotage myself out of your life, leaving only a memory to linger
And God help them if they fall in love with me first
I'll force myself to see all of your bad qualities and then force you to see all of mine
It's almost a curse that I've mistakenly wished apon myself
I asked a star never to let me get hurt by another person
Now, I've left myself with this burden
I don't mean to give false hope
But there is no loving me because as soon as you get close to me, I'll cut the rope I left you to climb
There is no justification. It's just how it is

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