wish apon a star

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I want to be short
I want to be skinny
I want to be thick
I want smaller hands
I want skinny fingers
I want smaller feet
I want a flat tummie
I want my nails long
I want my nose smaller
I want a sharp jawline
I want my collar bones to show
I want to weigh less
I want my hair to be curler
I want my hair to be longer
I want my hair healthier
I want to stop sweating to much
I want my thighs to stop chaffing
I want a bigger butt
I want my boobs the same size
I want to smell like lavender and vanilla
I want my skin smooth
I want my body to hairless
I want to stop picking at my lips
I want to be smart
I want to be better at art
I want to be able to cook
I want to be more positive
I want to be fearless
I want to be petite
I want to be strong
I want to be a good runner
I want to be happy
I want to fit in
I want to be weird
I want to be cute
I want be pretty
I want to be sexy
I want to be happy
I want to be me, just a different version of me
A better one, a prettier one. A happy one

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