no connection

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You love puzzles. Each piece going together perfectly and there's always a beautiful picture in the end. You say that you like to help put them together. But I am not a puzzle. If I am then I am the sick and twisted picture, the puzzle had lost its box, there is no indication on how many pieces there are, but they're is pieces missing. Many pieces. You'd say we'd fit together perfectly. I'd say the end picture won't look like the way it was before, the picture is blurry and it doesn't make sense. unpleasant to my eyes. You say that you want to help fix the puzzle even if you are or are not apart of its "romantic life". And I know you want to be. I said I don't know how to feel about you. "It's okay" you said. "But if I'm making you uncomfortable please tell me". What is uncomfortable? Cause the way you say things sometimes just makes me think I'm comfortable. Makes me feel like I need to give you my shitty puzzle pieces just because you're sweet to me. And that makes me feel uncomfortable, that I don't don't know where uncomfortability lies it's head down to rest. My whole picture would scream uncomfortable, because I've been uncomfortable so long I've never know comfort truly is. Where does it fit in the picture. I don't need you to fix my pieces. But I would like you there to support me as I make myself new ones. I don't need a lover, I need a friend. I can't tell you because I can't hurt you. I'm afraid you might smash the pieces I've already connected.

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